Wrath of a Hellhound Chapter 1

She was a member of the volkov bloodline, a family ruthless warriors and mercenaries, whose claim to fame were the decimation of the dnieper and volga covens as well as successfully overwhelming mongols and turks.

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Walls: Reboot 11 - The Lock and Key

"maxwell weaned volkov from your mind and gave him a body of his own. that technology is based on what he did here, to carefully recreate and separate me from this control system.

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Freelancers: A Personal War

"volkov just texted in; they spotted her entering another tower and are pursuing." "good. tell him to hit that bitch with everything they've got." she nodded and typed a message into the console.

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Dancing with Diamond

Diana volkov groaned. "we've only heard this shit three times already."

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Walls Book 1 - Ch 9 : Gathering

"lilia, i've brought vilkas volkov," laura said. a rather coarse but female voice spoke up, "let him inside." laura stepped back and motioned for me to enter, i stepped inside and heard the door shut behind me.

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What It Takes (To Survive) Ch 2

"good luck, and stay safe," the squirrel woman gave a curt bow before gesturing towards the cat, "doctor volkov will escort sergeant smith's team to the security room, and i will escort sergeant reid's team to the lab.

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Walls: Reboot 6 - The Spellbound King

"you are known to me, vilkas volkov. favored by maxwell, and coddled by athena. blessed by etemenanki, and gifted with a zephyr. you are watched by many, hailed by some, cursed by others. your actions have saved people and killed them alike."

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Walls: Exodus 28 - Consumite Furore

'volkov incubated me inside of you... but he didn't mention that detail, did he?' ananke mused. it forced its way out with a feeling as if my innards were being pulled out along with it.

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Walls: Reboot 1 - The Ring

"i'm vilkas volkov... i'm onboard the evacuation ship carrying athena," i said. there was a moment's pause as the chatter continued in the background, "...

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Walls Book 1 - Ch 15 : Secrets

A male digitized voice spoke up, "greetings vilkas volkov. i am polybius recordkeeper and historian of sophos, how may i be of assistance?" "are you an ai like athena?"

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Walls: Reboot 12 - The Looking Glass

Adler lowered his voice even further, "volkov went his own way, pursuing his obsessions, putting all that pesky stuff behind. but you came here, into a world where everyone expects things from you, without any of the promised rewards.

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Walls: Reboot 2 - The Descent

You are vilkas volkov. the administrator of this facility has marked you for containment procedures." _well, crap..._ "... should i assume that means you've reported my location?" i asked.

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