Interlude: That Confession

I spent almost six months alone, trying to find myself and managed to get my life back together. i thought that maybe... maybe, if i managed to get my life back together and change myself, i would have a second chance with..."

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The Scent of Lilacs Chapter One Introduction

We're currently trying to get back together. he said we'll be meeting over the next couple of days to get the two groups back together. he didn't actually plan the two groups to separate."

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Fucking Psychology

He stepped back, taking a couple of deep breaths as he tried to pull himself back together. it was hard, considering that he was barely holding onto his tenure on the soccer team as it was, but - _wait, soccer?

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 3

Me and you... we us, should get back together. because! because..." kiana held up her hand. "let me stop you right there, mateo.

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The Gambit of Eros

"told you i could get them back together, duke," jack remarked. "and really, 'duke'? you couldn't come up with a better pseudonym, ares?"

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The Journey Home

Depend on no one as you cannot expect someone to pick you up and put you back together when you fall and shatter into a million pieces as you will just be left their to clean up the mess yourself.


Laceration of Fate

And it seems that we are pushed back together incessantly by fate blocking all the exits. a plethora of potent feelings sweep my reptilian brain.

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Guessing you

Lying bare with one another calmly breathing, backs together warm, content and no one watching. should i not have turned around? wait for you to make a move? i laid my feelings out, so you can see. did something in them bother you? or...

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Deep Conditioning - Chapter Thirteen -

His mind was fragmented, broken, disjointed, pieces that would never fit back together again, sprinkling his mind like a demolished vase.

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Hey Now, You're An All-Star (Pt. 2)

When he's sure he has her attention, he says, "do you have some sort of plan to get these two back together?" "i've got nothing!" june shouts. "i may be a genius but i don't know the first thing about love."

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