A Tiny Push

Chip's smirk widened, seeing how pent-up his dear brother was, before placing his big feet on the desk, wiggling their toes teasingly, curling them up occasionally.

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The Greenmount Chronicles. Chapter 2: Footwork

Mike laughed and shoved roger's leg with his big foot. "shut up and move over, stripes." scott pulled off his shoes and sat down on the soft carpet, in front of the television, spreading his long legs stretched out.

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Happiness Is Still a Warm Pouch

Jeff's socks felt sticky and cramped so he peeled them off, letting his big feet, his long grasping toes wiggle free. he threw the black-stained socks onto the floor as he felt around his shifting nethers with his other paw...hand.

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The imps grinned and lifted their heads to tongue the fat balls, sucking them in, while they ground their rumps on the big feet, claws digging into the strong ass-cheeks.

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Daniel's Experience

Slowly he rubbed one of his legs with a single paw, something that heston loved very much to feel, and got to the big feet. he took a look at the sole, admiring the yellow spot on it, something that he loved as well.

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Clue: Chapter 5 - Time to Split Up and Search the House Gang!

Crystalheart stomped her big foot on the ground causing a huge shock in the room causing some books to fall off the shelf. "damn it!" she screamed. everyone looked at her with a blank look. especially mr. rose and mr.

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Rocky's Rough Party

I'm a big guy, i have big feet. these would have served as swimming aids. couple that with the tube of red lipstick that was supposed to go onto my nose, and the plasticy wig of rainbow colors, and i was going to go the entire day without sex.

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Mystery Feelings (Rough Draft)

Because he was nestling himself fully into his loving friend with smooth, careful shifts of his big feet. leaning over to kiss cyndi's ears with loving joy. "ah, it's wonderful! oh, does it feel as good for you?"

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A Fiery Introduction to Vore

The typhlosion's big feet curled in, his thick toes curling against tonka's own soles, squeezing them in an affectionate way. "get ready, my lovely meals...!" squelllch!

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G.R.R. Chapter 12

He jumps and the metal of the chair dents as clyde's big foot comes crashing down on the chair with silver's leg trapped inside it. bam! "ahh! ahhh! gahh! awhh! ahh!"

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The Hunting Lodge

Even though he was neither particularly tall nor had big feet. "hargh," he chuckled, the noise turning into a groan, "i guess i'm the real star of the movie." the idea wormed its way through his brain, eager to latch onto any distractions.

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Aphrodite City 1: The Nightmare Begins

Probably just managed to give big foot one good kick in his manliness and the rest is just the stress talking, guess the asshole isn't so tough after all."

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