51 (DSV Nautica) Rest

The younger thrill-seekers would still do free-falls and perform reentry, though. "you are part of the sun tribe? figures." he laughed. "i would happen to be with the moon tribe..." in flares opinion, he looked it.

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Never Trust a Pretty Face

I felt myself free-falling shortly after, seeing nothing but complete darkness. as soon as i felt the burning of my fur and flesh, i opened my eyes and found myself..... _back in my bed?

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The double date (Fanfic Commission)

Meanwhile, the puny, tiny deer was free-falling after he has traveled through the extension of the entire esophagus only to land on an ocean of pure acid inside haru's stomach.

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Blind Love: 1

As he shuffled about making sure to drag his feet along as to avoid accidentally stepping off the edge ending in a free fall to his demise yet as he shuffled about he could make out a sound that lifted his heart.

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chapter 1 Strag revenge

When i exited the portal i continued to free fall with my eyes closed! a meter from the ground i stretched my wings and stopped still with my eyes closed. ‘i wonder is she is in this realm' i though to myself and set of.

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The fire of a Spitfire part 2

It just appeared out of no were and it was already free-falling. we have no idea what this thing is!" spitfire replied,as she bowed,after helping twilight to her hoofs. " wait did you say it just appeared out of no were,meaning it a alien thing?."

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The Double Agent

Tails dived off the top of the bell tower, slowly going into a free-fall as he descended further into the streets below.

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49 (DSV Nautica) Remains

They broke formation as a couple of them, dropped off their boards and entered free fall, putting their thermal protection on the maximum setting with giant smiles on their faces.

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SRC-01 Cold Hooves, Ch 04

It looks like a meteor in free fall." kristofer was surprised that his reindeer marking made the crossing with him. it was the only reminder of his adventure as a reindeer. "my dad is a good man.

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Chiricov- Chapter 7: Through the Smoke and into Danger

This meant that we would be free falling through the air until the last possible second, and then deploy our parachutes. at 150 feet we deployed our parachutes, and we drifted into the dust cloud. "100 feet." i said into the com.

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SRC-01 Cold Hooves, Ch 01

What he saw was a teenage reindeer buck looking back at him and this deer had an unusual marking on his forehead; it appeared to be the symbol of a meteor in free fall. "a meteor marking. that's weird.

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_" a step or two brought her close enough for her to flourish the paper she held right in front of his face, and when he looked at it his heart went into free-fall.

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