London Entry #1 - First Date - Part 2

London Entry #1 - First Date - Part 2 I waited for Ian to arrive at my flat. In the meanwhile I had simply been watching some TV. I flipped through the channels lazily. Eventually I landed on some stupid news channel, Wolf News to be...

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A Couple of Idiots (Twokinds smut) (M/M)

**A Couple of Idiots** **(male edition)** Written by **Mandag** **Twokinds** , as well as all characters from it are **©** **_Thomas Fischbach_** The ceiling in Trace's guest bedroom had a very intricate motif. Carved of wood and with a pompous...

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The Path of Mew

You see a massive sleeping green dragon sprawled out before you. It is under a green tarp stretched on top of poles over a football field. You are on the beach in front of a group of vacant beach condos on stilts. They are on a small island, a sand...

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The Path of the Rainbow Dragon

You see a massive sleeping green dragon sprawled out before you. It is under a green tarp stretched on top of poles over a football field. You are on the beach in front of a group of vacant beach condos on stilts. They are on a small island, a sand...

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The Portal Games 2022: The Results of Boredom

The Portal Games Introduction: The Results of Boredom "Hmm. I want to watch a reality show." If anyone had been in the room to hear the black dragon say those words, they would have scurried up the walls and out...

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Say Maam you are such a gorgeous yellow

She seizes you and picks you up in both talons up to her snout and beams at you with closed eyes nuzzling you, "Ooooo.... you're such the adorable. Can I take you home with me, treasure?" She sits you in the crook of her arm like a hammock while she...

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You don't say the word but you project them in thought to the mew. Its cheeks appear to grow redder. -I am just a mew. I am called Kit Kat. I am only one. There's another. I don't know where she is. Do you like cats?- The mew's thoughts waft through...

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The Start of Something Special Part 2: First Date

Note: This Stiry is loosely based on true events in my life, and was inspired by my relationship with my mate, Zack. I love feedback from readers, and would welcome any comments you may have. The Start of Something Special Part 2: First Date It...

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Teenage Troubles (Edition 1, Chapter 10)

Chapter 10MaxBy the time the final nude photo of Lyall had come through Max was sprinting down the street in clothes he'd just grabbed. He was wearing a complete black hoodie and white, tea stained jogging bottoms. He didn't care that he looked like...

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Fall of the lobster.

    - i bet the rest of my money that i can hold it in until we finish our investigation today.    he chuckled.    - i could delay the end of the investigation just to make you lose it - he said.

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London Entry #1 - First Date - Part 3

London Entry #1 - First Date - Part 3 The bike path was my favourite part of our town. On one side was this protected stretch of forest, about 500 acres or so, sandwiched between the two rivers that gave our town its name, and on the other was the...

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me and gorilla - part 1

i was walking in the forest. i heard a sound. i keep walking. its stats raining. i see a big furry gorilla. the gorilla starts walking to me. he says would u like to come home with me? im like did the gorilla talk? 0.o i dont want u to be out in the...

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