Chapter 20: Sex for Seven

"mmm, sweet little thing," he whispered in her ear. "so tight, so soft and yielding." seleste shivered when he licked her neck again, this time ending it with a bite that made her cry out.

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 35

It was amazing, how _daunting_ the little things suddenly became, like making food, or cleaning clothes.

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Engy's Lesson 2

Those little things have been needing a bit of a pep-talk for generations now. the council gave them the short-end of the draconic stick. maybe it is about time that someone takes care of them."

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Inner Struggle-Chapter 13-Lucid Dreams

If i could just wrap my head around this, every little thing would fall into place. {wait a second} i began picturing the little things one at a time. surely one detail had to reveal everything.

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Mesozoic Park (Part 6)

"oh you poor little thing" she said and knelt down, carefully shifting closer and holding her hands out. the little microceratus cautiously approached jayden, sniffing the air around her before growing comfortable.

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The Rave Toy

And i have a feeling you won't want to endure any punishments, would you, little thing?" a confident, condescending voice slithered into key's ears, which perked up at the sound.

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Disney - Lady and The Tramp II:Angels Nightmare 1/2

"just one more job, my pretty little thing." angel reluctantly began crawling under the larger dog stopping once her muzzle is inches away from his wet member.

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Living with Rocket 2 (GOTG slice of life, G rated)

He was a broken little thing under all the bluster and rocket didn't know, or chose not to know, that quill's nocturnal visits were no secret.

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Moony's New Friend

He knelt down before the little thing and put the collar on it. once it was on the animal, there were the tell-tale signs of the lawmakers walking around the corner. he checked to see if they were heading towards him.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 15

Winter-skinny, riddled with parasites, it was a sad, pathetic little thing.

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An Experimental Encounter

But if the little thing wants a fight it'll get a fight, the dragon charges forward all four legs pumping in a mad rush towards the target.

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Gift - Chance Encounter

Were you hunting down this little thing? i'm sorry, didn't mean to get in the way of your hunt." he scratched the back of his head.

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