the clash of the immortals

"tell me again, why your throwing yourself into the meat grinder on this one" tommy, a red fox said with an air of annoyance.

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An excerpt from the Great War (sci-fi, violent)

Minor races like the mrish, quadrupedal (and sometimes bipedal) sophonts something like a cross between a cat, a skunk and a monkey, rose to prominence as they threw themselves unswervingly into the meat-grinder.

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Not So Simple ~Part 1

The humans just seemed to throw everyone into a meat grinder. the push through the rockies was fierce. lots of ambushes. it was heavily forested for the most part, lots of hills and valleys. go figure, it's the damn mountains.

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Muffet's Secret Ingredient

His balls ached, though, and his cock felt like it had been pulled through a meat grinder from how sore and sensitive it was. still giggling, muffet stood up, nodding at the spiders.

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Isolation-Excerpt 20-Kojak Auqifier

If that tank came at me with those monster boring bits flared open then there was no way i was getting away from it, it would be like someone putting me to a meat grinder.

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A Horse Walks Into A Bar

The pounding headache, along with every muscle in my body, felt like they had gone through a meat grinder, making it hard for me to move. "come on lover, let me help you up." large hands placed under my arms pull me upright on the sofa.

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It was a meat-grinder, to him. he finally had to give it up." "he lasted for 12 years," i took up the tale. "he eventually went back to real estate law, started doing well at a small firm in massachusetts.

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 1- Marooned

Some of them looked like they'd fought meat grinders and won, while others merely had one small gunshot wound or stab wound in them and some of them were missing tails, arms and a few of them were even crawling.

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Confessions of a Dragon: Chapter 15

The camera shifts to a table with a large meat grinder and sausage making equipment. the little girl moved back into the picture, this time her shins stabbed with meathooks and swung upsidedown. you can imagine what happened next.

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Experiment 86 Issue #1.n Test Run

My little sister is going into that meat grinder?" guardsman just nods. "and harpy loves shredding pretty girls like her." "just hope 86 gets to her first then," guardsman jokes. "when he takes a girl out he makes sure she survives."

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Dangerous Meditation

Cassandra has completely zoned out in a trance and lies on her slab as if dead which is how they are going to treat her as a pair of morlocks are setting up a meat grinder in front of her so the bastards can feast on her later.

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Leviathan 03: The Professional Difference

Anchor city is a meat grinder, there is no fighting it - that's what cyberpunk as a genre is all about. all hail the free market, and late-stage-capitalism, get fucked if you're poor. welcome to the future.

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