Water on Fire: Chapter 3 - There’s the World and Then There’s the Otter

He's just some wad from online...and you know what they say about online dating." "you can hush up and worry about yourself. if he turns out to be a wad, then i'll figure out what to do at that point."

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In Totality

Both in their mid-30's, they'd met via an online dating app. their baseline shared interests had been basketball, reality cooking shows, and movie soundtracks. he was the first to admit they were more different than alike.

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In The Doghouse: Chapter Three

Maybe he would try online dating. \*\*\* the races were less than a week away. the next sunday afternoon found reid and vance poring over the event over lunch at a seaside restaurant out in santa monica.

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The Baskerville Bar

online dating had led him into four or five uncomfortable nights where he was counting the minutes until he could slip away with some semblance of self-respect.

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The Silverscale Arena: December 2020 Ch. 1 (Team Introductions/Bloodbath)

Her place, according to her, was at the mayor's side and maybe continuing that online date with some strange mono-eyed guy named whirl, but she was no fool when it came to combat. how else do you think she got that invite?

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In The Doghouse: Chapter Two

I've done the whole online dating thing; it's just so laden with pretense and every conversation just feels so..." "contrived?"

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Lewd Beach

#360 of commissions story for theslickserpent online dating means you never know who might turn out to be half demon. good thing mazzy's one of the nice ones!

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A Night In

online dating had been the final step and he knew it hurt the shark's dignity to try it. the fact he was the only person with whom kyle had shared that information was telling.

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That Day

Try online dating again? been there, done that, and yet here i am, well into my third year of being single. not even a sniff of a boyfriend since justin walked out on me.

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Rayner's Way: Chapter 2 - A New Path

"you could try online dating?" lilith offered, "it's more common but be clear about what you want and only talk to those you want." "that sounds," rayner said hesitantly, "did you have a bad experience?"

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Father and Son Bonding

"nah, honestly i haven't even tried online dating. all i got were porn sites with good looking woman, but they seemed too good to be true." he patted his dad's back, "not to worry, you'll find someone, but you gotta try first."

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Supply and Demand

Zerind had been quick to respond to the messages alexis had sent him through the online dating service.

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