Dragons inhabited a couple of other realms, and a sparse number batted about here and there on the earth. those were the earth dragons, with of course the odd marine dragon here and there (and he most certainly wanted to know where).

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To Dream of Darkness - Ch 14

I have seen that method of lighting in a few other realms where i have served. it is called 'gas light'. they have a clever system of pipes beneath the street, which connect to a central plant where great machines use coal to make a flammable gas.

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Furs in Steam Chapter 5

With a sullen cast to his lips the white furred bear shook his head as he pawed at a ring of black round his left clavicle, "you might do well to let the gadalli of this planet find this other realm, it might spare your people time from a life like this, dying

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Vicki the Sorceress and the Swamp Men of Mictlan Chapter 1

The intricate sashes displayed the greatest pride of each woman, much like men of other realms would list their titles and accomplishments along with their name during an introduction.

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Blade Tail- Final Mission

She had bested the other realm's best fighter in a fair fight and there was nothing that could pose any greater stakes than that without a lot of extra investment and development. that's where blade tail comes in.

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Bound by Destiny 23

They are home to the wolves and was the realm that attempted to once join all the other realms under one leadership. i will need to teach you more of the geography around here.

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Bound by Destiny 23

They are home to the wolves and was the realm that attempted to once join all the other realms under one leadership. i will need to teach you more of the geography around here.

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Kate's Bliss

Sleep quickly overtook its tool and kate traveled into the other realm. a heavy thump across kate's chest shot her awake and she struggled to see what was going on.

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Chapter One: Endings and Beginnings

I know that you will never know your mother, but i promise you, i will be nearby in the other realm guiding and protecting you the best i can. heed your father, learn from him. heed to your inner voice that will be me talking to you.

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What Dwells in the Dark

As would every other writhing, screaming, begging anthro present throughout that far too brief eternity of their visit to this other realm. then it was over. not with ceremony. not with grace.

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Impcon (QCP: BG-Eps09)

He is off at other realms selling the glue products to the warehouse merchants in the other realms. he could be gone a while." gerard hummed. "so i missed him and there is no telling when he will be back.

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Kaleidoscope III - The Binds That Tie

How have i never seen most of them before in other realms?" "other realms? like what happened the other day?" "what, now?" glitch phased out of sight for a moment, then appropriately glitched back into existence.

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