Madarao's Second
It was a quiet, easy morning. Ahurai had parted the window curtains just enough so that Madarao could feel the sun's pleasant heat on his neck and upper chest, without its glare burning his eyes. It was fast getting to the time of year, though, when...
# Flasky. ## Monday, November 19th, 2012, 19:38:26. - Hi, Flasky - says Yure, entering his friend's house. - Hello - Flasky replies cheerfully. - How are you? - I'm fine, thanks, you? - I'm fine as well - Yure sat on the floor and his diaper...
Alpha Brother's Beta Chapter 1
In a rather small city lived two wolves, both roommates and brothers. The older sibling was Tyler, the former high school football all-star. His fur was a sleek, oily black, contrasted by his white accents. He was built and tall, standing at an...
Tipsy at the Tavern
Tipsy at the Tavern I admit it, I was incredibly nervous. I tend to identify as an introvert, so meeting new people was something of a chore, even if they were someone I thought quite highly of and considered a good friend. The funny thing about me...
The striped hyena tugged at the hanging branch, testing its strength beneath the sheet of canvas resting over it. There had been the smallest of cracks as he had first done so but now it seemed fine; he bunched some of the material up in his paws and...
Demands Of Nature [Trade]
The leopardess alternately pushed, tugged, stumbled, and crawled through the brush of the forest, sections of skin and fur all over her body stinging and tingling with lashes and marks where vines or branches had caught here, where thorns ripped at...
Always Read the Fine Print
Caleb followed in line up the stairs of Alpha Delta Omega frat house. The kangaroo freshman was one of the candidates for the frat house. Unlike the rest of the rushing freshmen in line, however, none of what went on in ADO's basement surprised Caleb....
Unexpected, Undeserved ~ Chapter 8
Eli looked up as the two walked, puffy white clouds obscuring the smooth blue of the rest of the sky, and that only able to be seen in patches between the thick-leafed branches of the trees arching over the pathway. So, _so_ many memories here at this...
Taking By Surprise [Patreon Commission]
_Stupid sexy hyenas_. The wild dog sighed and adjusted himself in his pants one more time, before setting his keys on the shelf and turning down the hall towards the living room._Stupid sexy Shekh. Distracting me all day. Keeping my mind busy. Ugh._ ...
For You, My Lord
Prince Askia lounged back in the deep armchair, claws of one paw idly picking at the material of the velvet. In his other he rolled an almost-empty glass of wine between his fingers, while watching the fire crackle and splutter in the hearth. He had...
Twinks Across America: Ch. 16 - Minnesota
It wasn't the first time i'd even done sheath play, so i already knew the risks of pain after pleasure.
Lukas Gets Marked! [Sketch]
**vitothewusky** This seemed as good a spot as any. Lukas tightened the thick leash around his paw one more time, trying to keep the German shepherd at the other end from straying too far - which was, really, an unnecessary precaution, as...