Spyro and Cynder, Chapter 3

"normally i'd say no, but seeing how we seem to have inherited some kind of unknown powers...i mean, no, if we're sacrificed, we're dead, and they're murderers, but they don't get it.

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A Lunar Tide

Looking back up to the sky her body began to heat up with some unknown power. next every muscle in her body suddenly surged with some new found strength. verona tried fighting back what was happening but, it only made things worse.

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A Lunar Tide

Looking back up to the sky her body began to heat up with some unknown power. next every muscle in her body suddenly surged with some new found strength. verona tried fighting back what was happening but, it only made things worse.

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Friends In Deed

Perhaps not my smartest idea, spitting death threats at an entity of unknown power and ability, but bull- headedness ran in the family. my tirade was met with silence; even the birds had stopped chirping nearby.

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Forgotten Worlds 7 - Twisted Science

I do not know how, but it fell through a portal into my own world, through some unknown power.

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The Drahune Chronicles: Prolouge Episode Zero

"we developed them after we tripped some unknown power within her. her mind lashed out and, well, two of my assistants' heads exploded and i myself barely threw up my psychic barrier around myself and the other two assistants i had left.

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An unknown power? everybody in the room wondered about it even captain. _should wessy not have spoken of it in front of christopher?_ captain had thought.

A Yiffness Carol

powers of ghastly ways whispers of cloth in the wind all the ways he had sinned troubled by restless sight nothing left to put right grasping for figments demons of cursed pigments all regrets flashed in his face at a dizzying

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 23 - A trip down Memory Lane - The Love I lost

Why would the dark lord want to get the unknowns power if he was the one who gave it to him and had like two times as much? thats's just not logical." ekmoris asked. lucy, the one who was explaining everybody about the war of freedom, sighed.

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Forgotten Worlds 6 - Castle of Blood

_" the ceiling began to push down further unto him, his arms bending against their will as his impossible strength, summoned from some unknown power within him, continued to fight back. he roared towards arino: "let yer tribe know this!

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book III Chapter 2

You used some strange unknown powers to send the guardians to the hospital just like him?" spyro's eyes ventured through the whole hospital hall as he heard a small commotion stirring amongst the people around them.

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The Camera, The Flame, and the Steel Heart - Commission

It was somewhere in between blocking the lucario's weapon with his soaked shoulder that keez summoned a previously unknown power from within himself.

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