Weaver Fever (chapter 1)

Mase the chout awoke from a completely rubbish so-called night's sleep. Groggy and ill at ease, the teenage caudal sat irritably up among the dishevelment of his bed sheets. He flicked his russet tail-plume out of the way so that he could draw his...

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Forty One

Chapter Forty One "I'm leaving you, Barbie," I said in the deepest voice I could manage, waggling my Ken doll in front of me. "No, Ken, don't leave!" Kimberly said, speaking for the Barbie doll in her hand. "I love you!" "It's too late for that,"...

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Latrans' adulthood ritual

If you like the stories I write and can afford a couple of bucks, help me make my hobby profitable with my Ko-Fi [HERE](https://ko-fi.com/mrcoyote) In the ritual hut, dimly lit by a few twisted candles, two male figures occupied the center of the...

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Weaver Fever (chapter 2)

Another night of tossing and turning in the dark. More of that pounding desire, rooting into the back of his head where it shot down his spine to inject urgent poison into his veins like an angry serpent: weave, weave, WEAVE. Mase twisted onto his...

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In Secret

"Oh, dad's home," Luke pulls into his driveway, parking the car and turning off the ignition. The first thing he notices is random grass clippings littering the sides of the driveway, showing that his dad had been doing some yard work earlier that day....

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An Unknown Under Tale - Chapter 1

**WOO! It feels good to be back to this! So, last time we had a nice little introduction for our main story characters, and now we'll begin our descent into the meat of our story. This admittedly is a bit of a short chapter, but filled with just as...

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My dear friend in the forest

"the wind, mom, whenever any breeze rises, the branches of the forest trees crash against my window, and this time of year it happens all the time," the young adult explained in detail.

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otter beach

ugh what a dull day here I am 18 years old just out of college and here I am sitting on the couch flicking though telly that has nothing but sappy soaps, reruns from years ago that everyone demands to be remade when it is it bombs, cartoons that I'm...

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An Unknown Under Tale - Chapter 2

**Calling all Undertale fans! We're back at it again! Heeheehee.** **What's up, my lovelies? Yes, the rumors are true. I'm putting up another chapter. Hooray! \*Cheering erupts\*** **However it is also true that I was a very bad wolf and didn't post...

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Power to control

James walked heavily down the street, his shoulders slumped, his back leaned forward, one of the straps of his backpack fell down his arm, and his narrowed eyes betrayed the lousy day the wolf had had in college. The canine had never been popular in...

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My wife's brother

And remember, if you like what I write and want to support me, toss a coin to your yote kofi [here](https://ko-fi.com/mrcoyote) !!! The truck stopped at the entrance to the national park. Tall trees surrounded the road as if it were an...

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An easy bet

A cougar, sitting behind a desk and dressed in formal attire, nodded to a slender young shark in front of him, took an already written sheet of paper from a stack on his desk, and began to read: "Discovery of America in the 17th century, industrial...

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