Reaper: Hades - Winston Boswin

No, don't start listing the alphabetical symbols that make up the word 'spell'. it's a magic - oh, never mind.

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Sending the letter

He pushed the flap aside of an administration tent where a human male sat sorting small letters into various alphabetical boxes and regarded chris with a nod "captain. what can i do for you?"

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Bruised Balls and a Blowjob

#2 of abcs: the alphabet of ballbusting and cockteasing relationships are about give and take - sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. sometimes you win and lose. "oh fuck, lia, that feels _so_ good..."

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Aceh Amur - Character Details

I will be posting them in alphabetical order so of course the first character to be shown is the fierce aceh. a dangerous tiger with the heart of a pussy cat. (please god don't tell him i said that! he scares me....)

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Jason Kalanii - Character Detail

I will be posting them in alphabetical order so now it is the turn of the loud mouthed jason.

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With his tongue, he turned the same tricks that he pulled on the husky, and even a few more, for instance, he would play "the alphabet game" where he would use his tongue to trace all the letters of the english alphabet on the tigers' cockhead.

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Izers Life 3: Mistress Emily

It was hard going to start with, learning the alphabet he started putting the stock away. soon he was reading simple children's books and that escalated quickly into more advanced stuff.

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Alphabet Challenge 2018 - H is for Harem

#8 of alphabet challenge 2018 two new ladies eagerly arrive to join jasiri's harem, and receive their induction as only the studly cheetah himself can provide. ^^ this story was written for jasiri as part of my 2018 alphabet challenge.

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Alphabet Challenge 2018 - Y is for Yards of Yourself

#25 of alphabet challenge 2018 a fox who maybe isn't the sharpest tool in the shed finds himself in a rather captivating and intimate situation while exploring a haunted house! this story was written for circuit as part of my 2018 alphabet challenge.

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Alphabet Challenge 2018 - R is for Racing

#18 of alphabet challenge 2018 kurt and jill head to a go-kart racing track for a day out together, but jill has a plan to kick their high-octane fun into a whole new gear! this story was written for chris13131415 as part of my 2018 alphabet challenge.

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