Ghastly Gluttony

"Surely 'tis a pity to leave your body just standing there, unoccupied though..." Channing pressed his hand down on his belly, forcing the glowing green outline of Lysander's soul to sit 'back' a bit more...

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Creative Unwrapping

Kobalt was sitting on the couch, eyes focused on the TV across the room from him. He was dressed in a costume with a lot of shiny mylar on it, padded out to give him the appearance of a medihound. Of course, a...

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Spiritual Snacking

Lysander twirled his wand between his fingers as he paced before the spirit. His gait, as always, accentuated the sway of his wide hips. The deer was speaking, but the ethereal wolf he was speaking to, or rather......

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Daddy's Forever

Jack ran his thick fingertips over the curve of his well-padded belly. He only applied enough pressure to feel the outline of the young man inside, tracing over the canine writhing with bliss. Out in the rest of his...

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Tiles & Technicalities

Zanno grasped onto Wes' ample hips, using his considerable mass to his advantage as he returned the fervent kiss. He could feel the squirming mass within the fox's belly against the underside of his paunch, and...

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Summoning for Co-Op

Pickra crouched down, armor plates clanking slightly against one another, and touched the fingers of his leather gauntlet to the glowing gold circle on the ground. He focused, and the circle glowed brighter, before...

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Mods Installed

You jolt awake. The last thing you remember is that you were loading up that game you've spent so much time combining and changing out mods for. Everything to make your in-game avatar feel the most right to you, so...

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Quickie Goes Long

Kassidy looked around the bar. When he was in this kind of mood, there was only one place he was sure he could relieve himself. It was a kink bar downtown, on premises section in the back. Pretty much everyone was flagging...

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Teleporter Malfunction

The white-furred otter stared at the holographic projection. The visage was familiar, something to do with avali superstition he was sure, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Either way, it was concerning...

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Packed for Pampering

Pickra groaned indulgently as his stomach let out a wet burble. His broad paws kneaded down into his belly, compressing and pillowing out the sloshy mass around his fingers. As he massaged and pushed, the organic...

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Beaver Bothers

Maple set the last dish on the drying rack, before draping the dishtowel along its side to dry. The beaver fidgeted on the stepstool at the sink, wondering when his much larger housemate would return home. He was a...

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Securing Rod

Pickra casually strode down the woodland trail on all fours. To the observer, he appeared to be some mix of dragon and lion, having a rounded pseudoreptilian snout and the mane of the big cat, the large paws, the...

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