Spirit Bound: Chapter Twenty-Four

**Chapter 24: Old Soul** Faelen sat stunned in the shower as Liam sobbed into his shoulder. 'Curse? He gave me a curse?' He sniffed the air as he detected the coppery tang of blood. 'Did he pierce my skin when he bit me? I don't feel any pain, but...

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Twenty-Three

**Chapter 23: Why Do You Curse Me?** Faelen kept his paws on Liam's shoulders after his confession, watching Liam's eyes. They quickly flickered through several emotions: happiness, love, hope, pain, and then fear. The fear was the last emotion; it...

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Twenty-Two

**Chapter 22: Meeting the Father** Geoff finished his tea, and gave his mom a hug, "I've missed having you around, Mom. When are you leaving?" Avery stood and picked up the cups and put them in the sink, "Soon. A half hour or so. It's getting late...

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Twenty

**Chapter 20: Heartfelt Conversations** After everyone had eaten, Nathanial and Avery began removing the dishes from the table. Faelen went and grabbed some replacement bulbs and put them on the sideboard in the dining room, before heading...

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Nineteen

**Chapter 19: Tea Take Two** Geoff was standing in front of his father's desk, his ears still ringing from when Avery slammed the door. His grin faded a bit, "Da, should I get Nathanial and talk to her? Or wait until _she_ wants to talk to him? I...

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Seventeen

Disclaimer: Star Wars and Sarlacc is copyright George Lucas. Dune is copyright Frank Herbert. Super Sailor and Negaverse is a play on Sailor Moon by Naoko Takeuichi. **Chapter 17: Mother Dearest** Nathanial felt Ella making her way carefully...

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Sixteen

**Chapter 16: A Kin to Trouble** Nathanial went to the stand of trees he'd hidden behind yesterday, before his mother died, and sat on the far side looking at the tops of the trees beyond the stone wall. He sat crying and tried to figure out _why_...

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Thirty-Three

**Chapter 33: Duty and Honour** Geoff woke up Monday morning to the agonizing shriek of his alarm clock. He cursed and fumbled for the blasted thing before he found himself falling to the floor with a thud and yelp of pain. He whimpered in further...

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Seventy-Six

**Chapter 76: The Harbour** Nathanial sighed as he finished getting his things together. It was now nine o'clock, and everyone was gathering together to head down to Halifax Harbour for this 'big excursion'. He had just planned to sneak out for an...

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Fifteen

**Chapter 15: Stories From the Bathroom** Nathanial was surprised to be picked up, tossed over Conor's shoulders, and carried out of Faelen's room. He was getting used to how strong these Wolves seemed to be, but every now and then, like now, he was...

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Seventy-Five

**Chapter 75: To Talk Him Down** Geoff was sitting in his basement doing his homework, after a late tea, when his phone rang. He picked it up and noticed it was Agent Ella. He frowned but answered, "Hi, Agent. This is Geoff." Ella sounded...

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Seventy-Four

**Chapter 74: Shubenacadie** Liam crouched behind the driver's seat in Mrs. Davis' Jaguar, trying to keep the wind to a minimum as he spoke on the phone. They were driving down Jubilee toward his office, but he wanted to get the tests scheduled as...

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