Broken Hero, Shattered Timeline 2

Link woke chained in a cell at the bottom of Hyrule castle. The wolf's forest green and white pelt peppered with corruption, fur wilting to black or dark violet. His now yellow eyes shone in the dark cell. Someone had chained his paws above him. He...

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In for a Pound Pt. 2

Sebastian's full sized bed seemed small with his mother lying back in it, her feet dangling off the edge, the soft pink pads of her toes leathery and smooth as Sebastian touched them. He kneaded the pads with his thumb, admiring the texture while...

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The First of Many Eggs

Samael's fangs pinched his bottom lip as he watched his swollen stomach clench. A contraction worked through his body and he groaned, wiggling in Clay's lap. The obstagoon purred as it held Samael open by the thighs. The big, beastly pokemon's claws...

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Humbling Dragons

Zaszbelst, son of sire Zairshbelst and parent Esmal, the world's first born dragon in many ages. Shkhanna's body brought back to life in him. Unlike his parents, Zasz carried a great deal of pride in who he was, in what the world owed him. It was not...

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In for a Pound Pt. 1

_Hey bro? Any plans tonight?_ Sebastian frowned at his phone. It was the rare Friday night where he planned to stay in, so he reclined on his couch, stripped to a pair of boxers with a game on the TV. He texted his sister back, _Don't you usually go...

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Enhancing His Performance Pt. 1

Day 1 Stephan trailed behind his friends across the Acreage High School parking lot. Along the edges of the lot, piles of ploughed snow melted in messy run-offs, but the five teenagers all still wore workout clothes--the crisp air a balm after...

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Team Spirit

Acreage High School was one of the few places in the county with its own stadium, which meant the football team there got their own outbuildings for practice. It came with wall mounted A/C units, an old work out room that hadn't changed since the 80s,...

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A Lifetime with a God

When I coupled with the Goddess Fulminsa, she did not lead me to think that her reincarnation would be _my_ child, but there he stood, hip cocked, hand of feathers planted there while he studied me. He still carried some of Fulminsa's feminine...

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The Real Deal

Botha, from a big scale, was a strip of spires and steel on the planet. A metropolitan band of concrete and plastic that went both ways for a hundred miles. This, coupled with how hard it was to find natural lands not owned by private firms that...

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Obstagoon Smut

The obstagoon found you in public and it only took a single whispered insinuation to lead you away. A single, snickering, "Like what you see?" A growl, "I know your type--I know a spot, follow me." He led you out the coffee shop to a closed down...

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The Prince's Invitation

Mephis' nerves were a bundle of claws in his stomach. Chisur, the crown prince and newly appointed heir to Archay, walked a little bit ahead of him. Mephis watched the end of his crimson tail curl and uncurl as he hurried through the old palace. Toward...

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Won't Say No

Haida scrolled twitter on his phone, feeling a vague numbness while he waited for ramen at the bar of a small dive a few blocks from his apartment. He tried to make plans with a few friends at work, but... sometimes plans didn't work. Outside the sky...

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