Unstable Serenity - Chapter 2, Foreign Relations

I removed my beretta 92fs from its holster strapped to my chest and aimed it directly at them. i was shaking, as i had never been in this situation before, and i didn't know what to do, i could die today, or not...

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Demon Hunters, Chapter 2 – Kidnapped.

The wolf sighed and tossed one of the berettas away, punching the demon's face with his leather gauntlet. the demon fell to the floor; the wolf started to punch him in sequence. alexei was facing his own problems too.

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Las Vegas Night - Roland's Story Part 1 - Ein neuer Anfang? (Neue Version)

Ich hatte sie zusammen mit meiner beretta, die in einem gürtelholster daneben lag, dorthin gelegt, bevor ich mich frisch gemacht hatte. es lag jetzt 13 jahre zurück, dass ich in den dienst der stadt getreten war.

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Starting Over Chapter 3

Shamrock had an m16 rifle, an m9 beretta and a shotgun across his back which looked to be a spas 12 with a fixed stock. "what no names?" thomas asked, "what's with the weird nicknames anyway?"

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Small Town Sheriff, Big Problems: Intro

A spent 9mm beretta in his hand. "dispatch. we have an agent down, repeat agent down. shot in the gut. we need an emt!" "roger that. emts are two minutes away." "where the hell is our backup?"

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Herdnan- Chapter One

The rat reached under his pillow pulling a beretta out. he aimed to the door, but the raccoon was long since gone. he cursed, yelling out after him and charged out of the room.

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Unstable Serenity - Prologue

My only means of defense was the beretta 92fs and the two extra magazines that were strapped onto me chest, my combat knife and my fighting skills.

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter10

Admittedly, she found it somewhat odd that he chose to name each individual piece, as she was introduced to 'isabella' the c8 carbine, 'jezel' the 92fs beretta, 'jenna' the m11-a1, 'kaitie' the ump45, 'tabitha' the 870mcs..

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Taster: The Road to Sharon

Her right paw dove for the beretta, drawing it from the holster and flicking off the ambidextrous safety. he kept his eyes right on her face even as she leveled the gun at his chest and pulled the trigger again and again.

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Demolition - Part 1

I feel underarmed with only the beretta to protect me, but decide that i'm probably fine, after all, today is going well, what could go wrong now?

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Underdog 3

I even tracked down the beretta 93r you've been craving. it was a little hard, though, finding the colt's you wanted... so i went with springfield instead." he looks at me like this is alright.

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Foxie cringed slightly as a ghostly shiver caressed his soul, tapping his armpit to see if his m9 beretta 9mm was still in place. not doubting that it was, but simply wanting the assurance of it's physical comfort.

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