Helios Awaken, A Band's Journey: Chapter 7 - The Studio Pt. 3, Rhythm Guitar

My eyes were closed, and i just focused on my fingers moving from note to note, chord to chord, almost like machinery in motion. before i even opened my eyes again, the first 4 minutes of the song had past, and the wolf clicked the recording off.

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Singing my heart out

The notes and the chords. the rhythm and the emotions. all woven together into a great overpowering flow; one that danced the line between magic and music. a quick look at the audience was enough to tell me they understood.

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You tried to reach out for the bow before his hand came down, anticipating a mind-shattering chord, but you were too late. the sound echoed in the island and your brain fractured in a million pieces.

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Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse part 2

I played a few chords and for some reason, it sounded perfectly in tune. not exactly a rarity among guitars but i was pleased since that meant i wouldn't have to tune it for the moment.


Zombie Apoc-fur-lypse (Part 2)

I played a few chords and for some reason, it sounded perfectly in tune. not exactly a rarity among guitars but i was pleased since that meant i wouldn't have to tune it for the moment.


To Wander Infinity ~ Chapter Thirteen: The Tail End of Twilight

He's not--" dola's sentence dropped off when trent shifted into a swifter rhythm, managing to tap a drum beat against the lute's belly while strumming a fast sequence of chords.

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The Siren's Hymn

The fatal chords which she emits, shall cause others hearts to up and quit. though not intended her soul bleeds, for every sailor she sends to the seas.

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Melodies of the Heart

Lyrics so longing, chords intermingling, but neither has even an inkling. that the tune they sing, while distance is king, is the same sad song, the other's whistling.

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The Siren's Hymn: The Pile

#6 of poetry as seen in my writer's blog: http://sirenscoast.wordpress.com/2013/06/03/the-write-setting/ and now she sings the siren's hymn, such fatal chords emit from within. almost 7 years he dwelt with her, sharing her fears and her dreams.

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She Plays (Poem)

The chords are broken melodies. at midnight, she does not play. there will be more melodies in the day. but the day has yet to come

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040 - Proxime Pt.08

Ideas' boy language lunges into more exaggerated movements, this had clearly struck a chord with her. -but why did it have to be tonight, of all nights? butters looks confused at the centaur. -why is tonight a special night? asks butters.

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Interspecies Experimentation Final Chapter

Humans only have two vocal chords and a short stubby tongue; therefore are quite limited in sounds and words. oro possessed three vocal chords and a 13-inch tongue, the neccessary tools for his exotic dialect.

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