Carnate Island Part 4

Project odyssey prison medical test subject no. 7 prison medical test subject name: lamore, damitri research granted to: colorado department of corrections research granted from: us army/pentagon/cdc/cia

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What not kill you is shit not weapon

cia (if you gonna repear my mistakes do not touch this part please)- he hear somthin whit meany legs mowe behaind him on the wall, roof and disapere in the door. kurfust look in that side and spoted sombody.

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Soldiers of War pt 3 Three Rangers and a Princess

'by the way," he continued "our friends at the cia have found some intelligence on the north korean invasion." he opened up the document and placed it on his lap. he then took out three photographs and showed them to merrick.

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The Curse of the Yellow Monkey - Chapter 3 - Playing With Fire

Silver had no luggage, having left his and vikki's clothes behind in maine for the cia to deal with, so he walked straight through the terminal to where the expected car was waiting.

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Not According to Plan (A2,B3,C8)

Greg watson, the cia agent i mentioned, has told me that much. falcon surgically transferred krys' hippocampus somehow.

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Demon's Folly (Act2, Book2, Chapter4)

Do you know the difference between the cia and the fbi?" "yeah," she looked around herself at the itchy-fingered mercenaries then back at falcon. "fbi investigates in-house. cia works abroad. more specifically, they work on anything foreign. why?"

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Delayed destiny ch 17

They called the police as well as the fbi and cia. all of these calls were made with very little action from any agency. we knew it would be hard to make anyone believe what was happening. you know you'll have to take this in your own hands.

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Exile - Chapter 3: Her Story

"who are you guys; black ops, cia, top secret task force?" he tried asking. jessica and wetzel looked at each other, and neither seemed to want to answer. eventually, wetzel began to speak. "we're kind of like, guardian angels.

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Special Operations: Afghanistan

I chuckled darkly to myself, remembering my commanding officer's last words, "to err is human, to screw up is cia!" just a few days later, i bid farewell to the wooden coffin that held the remains of my co.

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Time of War Chpt 4

It's what also earned him an invite to the cia to become an elite soldier.

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Story of Kelta - Prologe

cia. - ja nie zlicz? ile razy zosta?em wydymany przez wy?szych rang?. - dziwne ?e nie zmieni?e? jeszcze orientacji. patrika wpad? ponownie do ?rodka. - wiecie co. najpierw zjedzmy a potem b?dziecie sobie dalej dogryza?. - w?a?nie zjedzmy. - my b?

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