Shackles & Jessarin - Chapter 3 & 4

Shackles smiled softly, he coiled his tail about her as she kept close to his back, "just a few cog problems."

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5- Outsider

The cog pressed against some kind of translucent blue material, before tearing through it and into the space beyond it. another hissing noise was heard, this one the sound of hot metal contacting cold water.

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Dungeons and Adders CH1

#1 of dungeons and adders ch1 of femmey ferret: a dungeons & adders tail **_chapter i_** **_ _** **_ _** the trio of cogs sailed towards the woodlander's villager, their vermin crews practically drooling in anticipation at the coming murder

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Ch1 **_chapter i_** **_ _** **_ _** the trio of cogs sailed towards the woodlander's villager, their vermin crews practically drooling in anticipation at the coming murder, rape, and pillaging.

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Spooktober—October 2021 #1 (Supernatural Horror)

Its innards, a chaotic, dancing maelstrom of cogs, wheels, springs and one huge pendulum, had all conspired, for the past decade or so, to dutifully announce each passing hour.

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Dungeons & Adders CH9

"the cog with the red flag'n'sails." "how many ships are in your fleet?", the doe demanded. _ooh, i need to poo, wot wot._ _ _ "th-three.", kassa blubbered, only to be silenced as the doe shoved a ring gag into his mouth. "mmmh."

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._ _ _ the cogs started turning with the bloody apple. no, no - the apple wasn't bloody, but the blinds, the blue blinds, were splattered with the stuff. those painted bricks, the ones kids use, they were bloody too.

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Welcome to Mayhemodium

Not to mention the regular beach raves and bonfires that are all the rage in that city, you can probably guess what goes on in those parties~ ;3 gearopolis: steampunk city with a semi-victorian atmosphere, nothing but gears, cogs, pipes, and stone.

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Kanova Lore

This form of slavery isn't uncommon within the walls of kanova, and frequently, anthros are usually forcefully turned into nothing more than mere cogs and pawns for the massive company.

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The Clock And The Town of steamy part 1.

They completed the tower in september and i could start installing the clock right away i had the blacksmith making gears and cogs i had the townsfolk helping assemble the boiler for the steam engine that would run the clock.

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Dungeons & Adders CH11

, greybuck asked, gesturing the cog with the red flag and sails. "y-yes.", kassa answered fearfully. "good.", the buck said, turning to give whispered instructions to the rest of the force.

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fall writing challenge - friday the 13th

But when the month starts with a sunday, i can already see the cogs turning in people's heads. in case you weren't aware by now, i am a black cat. as a black cat, i generally don't have any specific influence on people's lives.

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