A New Dawn - Chapter 17 (The Clothes Make the Dragon)

**\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*** **Chapter 17** **\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*** I followed Jovani and my father towards the market place, feeling rather uncomfortable in my outfit. I had decided to go all out, wearing the jacket Jovani had picked up when...

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A Commission Fighting Alkas and the Ticklish Raptor

I walked into a towering hall the size of a stadium, fighting the urge to disturb the tranquility of undisturbed centuries with an echoing "Holy shit!" The place was hidden inside a solid granite mountain, with only well-concealed ventilation...

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Journey to Another world pt3 ch100 pt4

#13 of journey to another world pt3 ch91 and with this, the pokemon dance competition has come to a close. i've been a bit busy lately and am sorry for not uploading this sooner, though i hope that this next tidbit will make up for it.

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A Slippery Catch

How about we... see what happens after competition?" "deal." devon nodded, with the biggest smile he'd had in weeks.

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Winning/The stream

I had to taunt them quite a bit to get them to agree to this competition, because they both knew they were no match for me. my name is ryan and i'm a vaporeon, even back when i was an eevee i spent almost all of my time in the water.

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Antler to Antler - Part 5

.): it does seem ridiculous that we have to let a competition choose who we love. echo, echo, echo. stag: now! stag rams his antlers into bracken, throwing him tumbling across the clearing. stag steps up to him once more.

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Antler to Antler - Part 4

Only by overcoming your competition can you walk away with your doe. bracken butts a tree with a loud huff. bracken: i'm gonna be the strongest buck ever! father chuckles.

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Antler to Antler - Part 3

EXT. FOREST - NIGHT Bracken sits by the stream staring into the water. HOOFBEATS. Suddenly, Fern's beside him. FERN: Sorry we got interrupted back there, turns out Stag's quite a buck. Want to walk with me back to the clearing? Bracken takes...

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Antler to Antler - Part 2

EXT. FOREST CLEARING - NIGHT Bracken rubs his antlers against a tree, trying to work out a soreness in them. Stag steps up with a grin. STAG: You're going to have to be prepared to fight more than one buck for any single doe you know. BRACKEN:...

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Antler to Antler - Part 1

FADE IN: EXT. FOREST CLEARING - DAY Wind RUSTLES through the grass, a bright green clearing, a DOE grazing, all is calm-- POUND! Hoofs HIT the dirt, dig up soil, TWO BUCKS locked antler to antler, the doe careens back in shock as the bucks BUTT...

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Antler to Antler - Part 5 (Revised)

.): it does seem ridiculous that we have to let a competition choose who we love. echo, echo, echo. stag: now! stag rams his antlers into bracken, throwing him tumbling across the clearing. stag steps up to him once more.

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The Academy - Squad Chalenge

The days all seemed to blur into one big torture session. Every morning we were woken early for PT. We were expected to learn cadet knowledge. I had to study every night, memorizing...

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