Camilla - The Conquerer, Chapter 23

How about i give you the coordinates and you secure the sarcophagi and bring everything to the ferry. if you need help, you can always call us." "do i get a radio now?" asked the dragon. "yes. you take the sarcophagi, come with me to the ferry.

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Devil Seed Ch.16

ferris smiled as he took her hand and kissed it. "well i'd say he's a lucky guy. come on in, we'll talk in my office." ferris led the two inside and across a walkway that held up against the wall.

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ch 19 the angel hunts the devil

He then turned to latias, "latias, are there ferries to sinnoh here?" she nodded, "yes, and the ferry to sinnoh docked here just a little while ago. but it'll take time for them to refuel and restock the ferry.

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Eyes like the Forest (5)

Several times he made his own contributions to the water, heaving over the edge of the ferry, coughing up the stew he had been given; it would make a finer meal for the fish than it did for him.

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Times have changed prologue part 4

When we arrived at the carnival, me and sif went to the ferris wheel, and leo went to the balloon pop game. while we were riding the ferris wheel, sif leaned forward and kissed me. i love you so much sif.

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Ending the Week

#46 of all they knew on the ferry home, skye only grew more anxious. the last thing she wanted was to face her father, but it was better to deal with the situation than to run from it.

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He Kissed Me Like Summer

So instead i asked, "can we ride the ferris wheel again?" and then you did it again, made it impossible for things to get better, by making things better. "okay."

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Waiting for Alimere

Everyone turned to see a boat approaching the dock and the trio knew that was the ferry they had been waiting for.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Mossdeep City and Shoal Cave

"sharpedo can you ferry me across the ocean to reach mossdeep city? it might be a long journey their. if you don't want to that's fine. i can always get a ferry there..."

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Justin and the Secret Collage Part II

He also noticed a small picturesque river ferry that ferried people across the water to the island. from the distance he was at, he could see lights on the island as well as a ferris wheel. "meh, place even has it's own carnival.

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Dance of the Blood Moon: Ferris Argensis

Dance of the blood moon: ferris argensis written by caleb "mr.


A Bit of Confidence

That should hold ruki off until they got to the ferry. "i could tell. you should take two days to rest," aaron said. "maybe... but i don't want your time here going to waste." "it won't. trust me."

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