TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 12)

Just as volteer and flame entered the main foyer, every single dragon looked at the crimson dragon. "that will do!" terrador shouted over the gathered dragon populace.

TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 11)

Countless colours shot out into the main hallway and towards the main foyer area, others took flight out the window shooting around the massive temple into their respective rooms.

Messes of Men

"oh, but the foyer has a certain romantic glow about it today," he says as loose leaflets of papers roll across the floor by the breeze.

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YCH - A Night at LAZCORP

There were cries of discontent as simon was led along, passing the second foyer entrance, into the main channel of lazcorp. simon gawked, his head trailing up.

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Full Partner

The foyer was decorated with paintings of sweeping landscapes. the floor was marble. the walls a pearl-white. a small chandelier hung from the ceiling. and this was just the foyer!

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Everything Changed: A Night That Changed Everything,Part 6

She looked at him pleadingly, not wanting to leave his side but backing towards the archway leading out of the foyer anyway. "yes, my husband," she said.

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #4 - Orange and Lime

A chuckle preceded the cat as he returned to the foyer with his black jacket on and purple hat covering his head.

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Full Circle Chapter 1

(\*\*\*) in the foyer outside the courtroom, the prosecutor clapped aaron on the back. "don't worry about today, okay? these sorts of things always happen during cross-ex. that's the point of leading questions."

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The Mansion

The two of them watched from a one-way window high above the entrance of the mansion's foyer. dozens of men and women alike all gathered inside of the spacious room.

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A Labor of Love

She watched the man look around the foyer, and into the rooms on each side of the front door. "what did i get myself into with this thing?" he asked.

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Green Horizon - 1- Broken Silence

The same system map appeared from the foyer, showing the various tunnels leaving the station and heading in different directions, only one of which was green.

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