
A big smile appears on her face and she hugs lewis, crushing the plate and the second piece of toast between them. "nhhh tangoooo! you got crumbs all over me..." lewis hugs back and smiles despite the complaint. "i'm sorry!"

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Till Next We Meet

Disclaimer: I do not own the Warcraft universe, that belongs to Blizzard. Any characters I create are mine, as is the way I arranged this story. I do not make or intend to make any money from this. Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a...

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Onward to better times: Chapter 1: Aristotle wouldn't visit the lake a second time.

"always a pleasure", the skunk gave alistair a friendly hug, letting out a slight yawn. "i am sorry i put you in this mess.

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The world leans (Commission gift to Kan12)

Kisses and hugs happy two week anniversary.

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The world leans (Commission gift to Kan12)

Kisses and hugs happy two week anniversary.

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The start of kairu's story *Part 2 *

Suzie smiled "yes i think" the same focus came in as they kissed" kairu whispered " i will moving to your school soon , i promise " "now you will never be alone again" saying thoses words kairu hugged suzie tightly.

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Trick and Treat: Part Three

Ellie joked; i could already see maria being pulled into a vicious bear-hug; i had already caught up to the fifth floor and it looked like ellie had enough fur to soften the hug somewhat.

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Waiting For You

I couldn't stop myself from turning around and hugging my mate. "kyo!" i yelped in joy. i wrapped my arms around his belly and he wrapped his black bushy tail around my waist.

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A Necromancer's Heart:Chapter 1

I smiled before turning to him and hugging him whispering my thanks into his ear. secretly giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. we walked up to the door and opened it to find party decorations string to every pillar leading all the way to the grand hall.

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Alone On An Island chapter 2

"whats wong sista" sable asks as he hugs me and tries to reassure me. "we weft da miwk behind" i begin to sob. "it's ok i knows wots of pwaces to finds food" sable smiles and give me another hug and i return the hug.

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Thunderstruck Chapter 3

However, he found that he did like that hug very much, but that thought of it kinda scared him. lu interrupted his thoughts "you are very special feign." he smiled tenderly at him. "any one would be lucky to have you.

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He seemed to make up his mind and pulled me into a hug. i was surprised at first but i hugged back, feeling his warm breath on my neck as he nuzzled my neck. this huge show of emotion swept over me as his arms rubbed my back.

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