Code Drop: Dog's Best Friend - An Official Heat Anthology Teaser

------------------------------------------ tess hurr was a jackal who really, really needed a milkshake. now, due to some asshole stopping short, she was wearing one.

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Brothers Part 3

"hurr?" moaned something up from what would have been a wine cellar. wufy, startled, turned towards the sound, recognizing what it was.

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The Inner Self

"" the silver's eyes closed under the pleasant touch. "well, most dragons seem to be like eldrikke.

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"hurr hurr hurrrrr..." the big roan stud whickered softly as he couldn't help growing more and more excited... it was a gay male thing...

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 19

"hurr, bain't nuthin' furr ee t'be grossed out of! blowin' wind be a sign ee gurt health! moi family says it be ee sign o' 'preciation! oi gurt no problems wit ee beasts passin' gas o' belchin' aftur meals!

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A Difficult Decision Part 1

Draco's tongue entered the other males as his arms pen him tightly against the stone wall, his other paw roaming the scaled body as he hurrs louder with seduction.

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Ixi's Tale: The Beginning.

hurr-glaugh!" he was kneed in the chest by one of the panthers. the lion smiled evilly. "yes, ixi. get the gun. shoot the bad man who is hurting your father." he said, mockingly. "if you can." he let out a hearty laugh.

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My Twenty-First

At eight cans he started getting into that stereotypical "hurr durr" stupor that i always pictured drunk people got into. at ten cans he was telling me about war stories from wars that occurred before he was born.

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Redwall: A Warrior's Humiliation

"hurr, bet you'd like to suck on that, wouldn't ya, mouse?" gurrad chuckled, giving his behind a quick smack. martin let out a quiet gasp, more out of surprise than pain. skalrag aimed his foxhood at martin.

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Knotty Thoughts (XXX)

A low groaning 'hurr' escaped his throat, as he waved his head, 'don't... don't stop.' without warning he pushed back a little wiggling his rear. another high-pitched creak followed in the bed, and a worrying pop followed as something snapped.

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The losing season

"hurr, yeah, cut those big fuckers off." the coach snorted, half from lust and half from wrath at the way the bull had behaved.

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Chapter 10 - Dragoons Unite! The Battle for Survival! (Part 2)

Rizan tried to open the door, but it seemed to be locked as she pressed against it, "hurr...its locked. guess we gotta get a bit noisy.", she muttered before whipping her tail against the door and knocking it down.

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