Warrior's Blood, Chapter 33: Pleading His Case

The judge who had asked the question nodded. "all right, i'm satisfied." "good." carnoc spoke before the judges could stand. "i actually had something i needed to ask you about.

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Ch. 7: The Trial of Bartholomew Stoutmantle

The judge banged her gavel. "court is adjourned for a brief recess while i deliberate on the matter." everyone in the room stood up as the judge left the room.

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Paradise of Coexistence Chapter 1

"i'm a worker for judge kyurem, and he would like to see you for the fake ruvine case" sawk said. "wait...the judge kyurem?" alyssa said, her eyes widened at the thought of meeting the famous judge kyurem.

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And Now For Something Completely Different

"all rise for the honourable judge dreadful." everyone in the walnut-walled courtroom stood as the judge came in and took his seat. "i understand that we are here," said the judge, "because of the inappropriate conduct of a member of our society.

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Dimension 67 Volume 1 Synopsis WIP

We see retro nostalgia, patron of the r/70 theatre, & the community leader, patron of the howard county courthouse, & county judge, judge montgomery artwyn, but not yet introduced to ike.

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First Day in Hell

A horse was pleading with the judge, a long-earred, pure-white rabbit with flowing golden robes. the judge didn't even bother looking at him as he fell down into hell. tough.

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Chapter one

However you all face several misdemeanors and a felony charge of assault and battery, should judge gladstone choose to indict you." "so when will we see judge gladstone?" braxton asked.

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fostered from hell part 2

Seizing the opportunity to regain control of a hostile situation the judge spoke.

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6, New Beginnings

The room was abuzz with an excited energy as they all waited, holding hands as a family, for the judge to come back in. judge benson finally entered the room with a small smile on his face as he looked at them.

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Stories From Elton High | Chapter 11

The judge turned his attention to varminn. "would the defense like to cross-examine the witness?" varminn glanced over at donnah and then back at the judge. "no, your honor, that won't be necessary." "very well.

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