Hot Shower

His hands gently caressed my body, lathering and cleaning my musky fur. his big bull nose sniffed at my wet fur, occasionally pausing to nuzzle or kiss me. his hands held me close, wrapping around me at times, lathering me up at others.

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Thieves VS. Mercenaries chapter 3

He squeezed a pawful of gel into his paw and started lathering up his master and himself. baxley smiled while he rubbed every exposed spot on joshua's body except for his face.

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Fifty Shades of Tan: Getting Off Online

. ^^ aidan appears courtesy of aidan7 "i dried off after finishing a relaxing, invigorating shower, rubbing silky lather over my body, trying to work out the heat that had started inside of me and refused to let go.

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Shadow's Shower 1

He then takes a deep breath and brings his middle finger up to his lips, wrapping them around the digit and then letting his tongue lather it up with spit.

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(ZOO) Night Shift - Chapter Two - Final

He blinked and gave her that adorable smile of his, before he huffed and lathered her face in licks again.

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Don't Drop The Soap

I reached up to my head and began lathering the soap between my ears and around my face, scrubbing my muzzle gently and working it down to my shoulders.

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A Lion's Tail and a Bear's Hug: Chapter 9

._ meanwhile lejon had finished lathering up the bear's body. lejon had been careful while lathering up bjorn's bearhood. he'd seen in his dreams were situations like this could lead if he wasn't too careful.

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The Shower

She rinsed the shampoo out of her hair and he started to lather up his paws with soap. he washed her back, messaging her shoulders and working his way down to her lower back.

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Lavender Gaze (Part One: The Passionate Champion)

He straightened and lathered the bright green ooze in between his hands. he then trailed them down over his abdomen, the flat stomach, the muscular abs, the impressive pectorals.

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same shit different day

Once he had a thick lather throughout his fur he began to rinse throughout his body with the high pressure setting on his adjustable shower head.

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The Horrors of Team Galactic

I smiled and lathered her back and tail. i found that if i moved my finger down her spine slowly, it would make her arch her back and purr in appreciation. "alright, now that were done with the top, i'm going to dunk you.

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