Enemy of my Enemy, Chapter 6

After scanning it for malware one last time, she copied only what she needed for this one function, installed and ran it. she swallowed the ground-up potato chip and smiled. "okay. so far, so good." jack grinned. "want another?" "sure."

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Penetration Testing: Chapter 2

It could be ransomware, it could be malware, it could be anything. shi just all of a sudden can't feel anything." cross pointed at the screen.

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A Sabrewolf Encore (3/4)

Before it could completely disappear from the system though he took all its power and found the program that was causing the crash to happen and disabled it with some well-placed strings of malware that immediately began to eat away at it.

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Agent 0069: Chapter 1

So she'd climbed on board, started riding him before the wheels were even off the ground, and by the time he touched down the malware had been loaded on his computer.

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Maverick Hotel Part 5

I simply went to one of the public computers, uploaded the malware and virus files, did a few searches on pious and left harold washington swiftly.

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Ditsy Dogs #1

Martin then had to pen an it email to the entire company explaining again what ransomware, spyware, malware, and viruses were and urged everyone to review the training documents that they'd all been given when they were hired and again at six month intervals

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Digital Destiny - Chapter two (Final)

She even set up his games for him with the fear he might install some malwares in the process if he did it by himself, somehow. he shrugged in despair and let the fox come closer to see if she could attempt to help him with his quandary.

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Taken Firmly In Hand

Gavin had opened the first attachment, he ignored it -- or even better yet, assumed it must have been sent by some kind computer malware.

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Adipose City: Two Birds, One Stone

"yes milady, i presumed that would be your next wish after discovering the malware the maulers planted on our computers." bertrand replied, the beer-bellied buck clearly felt he needed to redeem himself for the mishap with the coupons.

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"good, malware," cassandra retorts to her boss in an annoyed tone, "i may have just have to make a porno of him and me doing it with you watching us and masturbating in approval." "don't you dare!" xavier growls. "or i'll make a freak like him.

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Lykos - Lone Wolf pt. 14

"i think it's malware," kyle grumbled, closing his eyes. "fucking hackers... like they don't have anything better to do with their lives!

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