The World Games Convention - Chapter 1: GPW Issue 1

Francisco u.s.a 15-18.04.2018 - toronto canada 20-23.04.2018 - brasilia brazil 25-28.04.2018 pretoria south africa 01-03.05.2018 new delhi india 05-08.05.2018 brisbane australia 11-14.05.2018 tokyo japan 16-19.05.2018 seoul south korea 21-23.05.2018 moscow

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Threads - Meet Alex

moscow... new york, rome, all those places. run down and completely overtaken by rebellion. who stands strong? london, of all places. or so they say. why? because humanity itself can no longer breed. to procreate. to continue the human race itself.

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The Prohibited Zone (part 1)

The red line subway from new york to moscow is suffering from a technical disturbance and will be out of order all day.

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web comic test script

The general watched with his solders as the shuttle from the great space station that orbited earth landed on the run way in moscow.

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Only Because I Care ( Part 1 )

Nightwind smiled and said "moscow mule please". "oh, tough day eh?" larry ventured. nightwind shrugged. he just felt like getting loose, and forgetting about his daily stresses.

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Disease, Chapter 1

Ivan explained, "i have a contact in moscow, go the comfort freedom inn, he'll meet you at 17:00 local time, in a week from today. he's an information broker, he'll have some names for you.

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Parabellum - The Beginning

He slammed a few textbookson the ground, and then watched his breath fog in the cold moscow air. the noises he made masked the rapid approach of the bleach white van behind him, immaculately cleaned.

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Dion's D-Day

"and finally, we will cross the volga river and capture stalingrad, take leningrad with the swedish, run the caspian oilfields dry, and burn down the kremlin of moscow!

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Modern Warfurr

Once he had taken his team directly into moscow headquarters in the soviet union to assassinate the prime minister and his daughter.

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The Defector

He came from a small village nestled in the mountains and had moved to moscow after serving in the army.

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Employee of the Month

moscow mule..." "_woo!"_ "_yeah, baby!_" "uhm..." atlas stared down at his blank notepad. "and... one moscow mule..." the fox sitting in front of him yipped in annoyance, looking at his partner with a can-you-believe-this expression.

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Tales From the Agent's Lounge - Prologue

Agents have had great success hanging out in moscow's bars, beijing's taverns and tehran's hooks parlours, pretending to be interested in the mundane problems of military and government officials while they paid the tab.

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