Subject #39-01-4

Was unresponsive for approximately ninety seconds. after this point, the subject began to respond to stimuli and demonstrate higher functioning capabilities again.

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The Beginning

I mean, you're ninety-four years old, and move around, and look, like you're still twenty! what's your secret?" joel laughed softly, "get right to the point, don't you?"

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Meo said making a full stop and turning a ninety-degree turn to face his right. ash also made a full stop along with a ninety degree turn to the left."

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Deus Ex Machina - The Ministry

Yet, five hundred and ninety one tiles he'd counted.

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#7 - Breeding Records

**neal:**"...two hundred and ninety-eight times as of twenty minutes ago." **romari:**"and how many times have i let _you_ top _me_ this month?" **neal:**"that would be...

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Final Exam

You have an almost perfect score - over ninety-eight, almost ninety-nine percent.  i've never seen a dog score so high."      "they are correct, sir.  and it is unsurprising that you have not seen a score like mine before. 

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A New Kind of Exploration

ninety seven. ninety eight. ninety nine percent... abruptly, shakal pulled his lips back from the jackal's cock.

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A New Kind of Exploration

ninety seven. ninety eight. ninety nine percent... abruptly, shakal pulled his lips back from the jackal's cock.

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Peas and Carrots

"well, i can last another ninety minutes," he said, giving her a glare, "before my breeding instinct has to be relieved ... just so you know." "i have seen it all before," was the femme otter's reply.

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The Walk from Darkness to Light: Part 2

ninety percent of guardens mothers breast feed their pups, with the remainder either reluctant to do so, or unable to.

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Star Hopper chapter 16

It read ninety-four percent. the trepidation drew closer to them, "sacrificing yourself for the one you love. a pretty good trade if i do say so myself, she'll still think pretty high of you." ninety-seven percent. daysus paused, "come on.

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