intentions- part 2

It gave him quite a shock to see, however, that when his assailants burst out of the shrubbery that they were no dragons, but instead a pair of odst human marines.

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The Adventures of a Yanme’e: Chapter one: Self image, hiding people and overworked friends.

This story was inspired by an odst firefight match with friends, which involved excessive sexual references, idiocy, low iq, pictures of drones and ais at the wrong moments and angles along with an argument that lead nowhere.

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Dick, Jack, and Jill

I'm off to a friend's house playing halo 3 odst online now. also mom called and said she met somebody and won't be home until tomorrow afternoon. come to think of it, neither will i. see ya!"

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Halo: FUBAR Chapter 08 - Ladies Love Armour Plating

One of them alone was quite obviously enough to deal with me, a supposed badass odst.

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Confrontation I

The admiral stepped off his chair and strode towards the front of the ship, liam may have been a peerless odst, but matthias was a man of the fleet and very few of his fellow admirals were his equal.

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Halo: ODST Chronicles: HellJumpers: Chapter 5

If your under age then pray you won't get caught. Other than that enjoy. Well Chapter 5 I'm doing good if i say so myself. And a quick explanation Jazy is a lady charmer but in his case he charmed five drones,two Jackals,one Elite and ALOT of Grunts....

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noble six-2-old friends, new friends, friends with benefits

A helmetless spartan dressed in standard issue odst gear stands just outside the airlock.  'what a nice kid.' i say as i approach. the man and i salute as we meet.  'you're the new guy?' he asks. i nod.  'yeah. the new addition.'

Halo: FUBAR Chapter 05 - Real Men Go Akimbo

"and i think because i'm an odst and you're militia, i'm automatically more awesome than you. you go ahead of me." i retorted levelling my smg and nodding token on.

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My Great Big Brother - Let's Just Wing It!

Time to go play some halo odst. (ding dong) me: dang it, who's at my door at six in the f**king evening? (walks to door and opens it to find sylvr, furry for life"ffl, and nocturnal lupus standing at the door) me: umm, hi.

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Halo: Left Behind, Prologue: All That Glimmers

"the galea has the same functions as your odst helmet and more." the helm in his grip had a very small t shaped visor and a crest that ran along the back to the top on the top center of the helm, much like the corinthian helmets of ancient greece.

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Legacy of the Precursors, Chapter 3: Destiny

He had seen so many die, marines, odsts, civilians, even fellow spartans. death would plague him; he would never escape its icy grasp. "i am detecting high levels of aggression and depression. are you alright reclaimer?"

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