The First of Many Eggs

To let his whole world become the act of birthing his master's progeny. speckled in black dots, the second egg peeked from his cunny. martin stopped teasing his poor clit and just watched, in awe of how those lips strained around the shell.

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Birthright: Chapter one

Perhaps there was a second key for the book and the immediate progeny of hers had it. when his eyes finished following the tree he felt his heart growing unsteady. the two names he was looking at were his mother and fathers name.

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Anthro Sex Squad Story 3 - Oaky's Story; Chapter 3

He fished about in his robes, selecting a handful of broth-soaked puffballs, "eat only three of these yourself and make your progeny eat half of one each. your milk will be sour for an hour but there will no longer be traces of amra within you.

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Of Lava and Lamb

Let your mind plot the things you'll test my new progeny with. i want you to have fun, so be creative, and i may reward you with a trip to the screaming hills of sheol again." the demon's eyes went bright with tears and hope.

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Roo'd Awakening

Jarret laughed, as susan's body squirmed among her progeny "captain, i think i'm already expecting again." she said, her blue eyes staring up into his. jarret kissed her on her scaled head "i'm glad, there's plenty of room for more."

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Those same travelers who caught "texas fever" and left their homes in the east would be spinning in their graves today as their progeny now has to pass a battery of tests just to have a future.

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Seven Days- Part IV

His progeny includes a gentile family, who have as much a right, probably more so to mourn as we do. there might be foreigners in our midst but as the kohanim were instructed, when a stranger comes to our land, we are not to mistreat him- or her."

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The Deal

Please, i beg of you, i require progeny...i cannot bear children of my own." she watched as the creature's smile grew even more - a devious glimmer flashing in her coal-colored eyes as she bent down to meet face-to-face with the old women.

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Will You, Want You [Chapter 1]

She resembled her, from the sheen of beautiful coat and the graceful movements of her progeny, all except the way she would pull her mouth back in a snarl when she was displeased. "you are like a _dog_," her mother said to her, distressed.

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Skullcrusher Island

"quite, ma'am," goomjub says with the kind of pride one usually reserves for one's own progeny. "he can stalk vermin and eliminate them better than the cat-snakes we keep on board."

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Skullcrusher Island (Revised)

"quite, ma'am," goomjub says with the kind of pride one usually reserves for one's own progeny. "he can stalk vermin and eliminate them better than the cat-snakes we keep on board."

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Ragnarok - VII

Grandmotherly she seemed, not as if warm, not likely to bake cookies or knit scarves, but august, ancient, matriarchical, all over wisdom-written with long care for wayward progeny that heed her not.

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