Chapter 17: Night Rose

Even if he doesn't answer for crimes as a syndicate member, he'll _have to_ answer to the crime of statutory rape.

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Epilogue - New Beginnings

If you would but look at these statutory missives for just a moment!" zelda rolled her eyes. she was quite tired of dealing with laws and regulations to last a lifetime. was this the type of nonsense her father had to deal with?

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Anything to Start a Family

Isn't that statutory rape, or something?" the squirrel sighed in frustration as he continued, "and even if i went along with this crazy idea, who says that she will?" "well, there's no harm in asking," she suggested.

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01. Lius

You don't want to get her to town only to be arrested for statutory rap. she's hot, but she's not worth that.'the young lynx looked over his shoulder as he leaned against the tree.

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Project: Phoenix (Neon City Book 3), Chapter 14

"it's just that i have more than enough on my mind without having to worry about being nailed for statutory rape as well. but hey, if i were your age, or if you were over eighteen -" "sixteen," montoya cut in with a mischievous grin.

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Calling Cards Chapter 7: The Path of Shadows

Arrested for rape, statutory rape, pedophilia. has the ability to breathe fire." "norman rogers, beagle. quiet and unassuming, he takes delight in torture and suffering, uses dangerous compounds to sedate his targets." "avery michaels, jackal.

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The Proprietors

True to form, once i did my time in that mode, i started getting noticed, and not just by clients - as soon as my time in the statutory minimum-payment phase was complete, when i became a "free agent" as it were, my id packet was suddenly

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The Secret - Part 8

They convicted tommy of seven counts each of statutory rape and sodomy, and sent him to jail." "oh dear! and you're afraid that hans was also one of his victims?" melanie asked. "yes, but i had no proof, and i didn't want to see any proof," karl said.

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Commercial Break

Isabelle grumbled. She was the only four-legger who'd shown up for the advertisement spot. This was a really big get, and could shift her modeling career into acting. The thirteen-year-old grey-furred Poodle looked great in clothing ads for other...

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Robbie 2

"he's been charged with assault, battery, attempted rape, and statutory rape. you're not even sixteen yet, my lad, and the otter has reached his majority. it's no longer a question of being within a few years of age, not in this state.

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Allen and Penny (Episode 8.5)

It turned out that the female teacher was seen having sex with her 14 year old son, and while incest was considered legal on kapernia, adults having sex with minors was still considered to be "statutory rape".

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