Legacy Chapter Thirteen

Report #sx5 chapter thirteen : gravity. running as fast as he could through the garden in the middle of the night, kato found he was almost grateful to johnathan for chosing this particular location for his little escapade.

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Belleton, Chapter Thirteen

#13 of belleton thirteen growing up, in rare moments of vain curiosity, solierre had occasionally bent over naked in front of a mirror and spread his rear cheeks to get a good look under his tail, just so he could know what he looked like from every angle

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Paraskepite- Chapter Thirteen

#23 of paraskepite chapter thirteen "parasites? you have my attention... um what do i call you?" dr. ami said. "detective, detective namer.

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Chapter Thirteen (Todd)

After Angie, Bruno, and Dexter left for their walk, me and Wendell just walked around a bit, paw in paw. We weren't planning on going anyplace in particular, we just walked around a bit. Eventually after a while of walking, we just ended up going back...

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In The Doghouse: Chapter Thirteen

; vance stopped at the door of his music room - a spare bedroom he'd converted into a poor man's recording studio, monitors, amplifiers, a desk with an imac computer, and several instruments packed tightly into the eleven-by-thirteen

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Herdnan- Chapter Thirteen

The list was extremely detailed. He was in shock at how in depth the lion's findings were on the robber whose name was Meedim. He was looking at the file as he rode the bus through the darkness of the city. The public transportation was wearing...

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Chapter Thirteen: Discovery

_Inside the coarsest stone may yet be the most valuable gem._ Travel suited Shuji Yarimoto well. His advisors and generals were trusted enough to keep things running, and his Samurai and vassals all enjoyed his calm, loose-handed rule. As...

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Decisions and Sacrfice Thirteen

**Biker Mice From Mars** **In** **Decisions & Sacrifices** **_By: Whipblade_** **Part 13** **\*\*\*Weeks Later\*\*\*\*** Rimfire, Speedbump and Kickstart whistled at the new Last Chance Garage. The three of them entered from the rear, walking...

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Wages: Chapter Thirteen

Chapter thirteen - awakening sleep upon that wretched night evaded me. as the blackness befell the outside world, i wept and celsko fell unconscious, head and body resting gently against mine. it seemed out of place, having her peacefully sleep.

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Alcrose - Chapter Thirteen

The walk to the medical bay was perhaps one of the longest walks Trip had ever made in his life. He couldn't think of any situation that he or Zynnis had been in that was this bad. Regardless of the fact that he was fine, and the ship was fine, his...

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Chapter Thirteen: It's Ricin

"It's ricin," Elrick says, tossing the bagged white rose on the table in the main room of the lab. "What's that?," Jacob asks from his seat next to me. "A concentrated protein extracted from a castor bean," Elrick answers, taking a seat next to...


Freelancers, Chapter Thirteen

"This is gonna suck," Valeria grumbled. Chula, Dakka, Quint, Lia, and General Kurakova stood behind her and looked out across the restaurant. Dakka turned to Valeria and cocked her head. "Why's it gonna suck?" Valeria nodded at a turian...

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