Lindos errores

Al cesar su ataque de tos, mira el lugar. por el polvo y las telarañas, parece que nadie ha limpiado ese lugar en años. -- ¡papá! ¡mamá! ¿cuándo fue la última vez que limpiaron el ático?

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Wasteland Dreams - Prologue

In reality, a series of delapidated hovels and lean-tos barricaded using various pieces of scrap-metal and other junk scavenged from the wastes. the furs put up a valiant effort, but it seemed all-for-not.

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Garragélida - Capítulo 4: Estigma

No había terminado de decir esto cuando irrumpió en un violento ataque de tos, que envió nuevas descargas de dolor por todo su cuerpo. -eso es, soy yo -sonrió el lobo, acariciándole la cabeza con suavidad -. te vas a poner bien, amigo.

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Garragélida - Capítulo 11: Sumergido

-se interrumpió, presa de una violenta tos, y a continuación repitió, en un tono algo más alto -. ¿era eso lo que querías? ¿¡estás satisfecha ahora, sophia!?

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A Surprise Lesson (1/2)

His tos is here: like what you see and want more? come support me on my revitalized patreon and get access to all sorts of fun exclusive things!

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An Interview with gamestreamer/Psudo

I have only had to reject one so far, and it was because he directly violated my tos on what topics i was willing to write about, i have been very lucky in that all the others have been a delight to work for!

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Craig Meets Kent & Kent & Kent

Read my tos, pm me and we'll talk! if you can't afford a commission and want to support me, i have a patreon that you can pledge to, or for one-time donations, you could get me a ko-fi!

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A New Life: Delivery

Refunds and cancellations were not part of their tos, and they enforced their will not by law, but by violence. they offered a single route to bail out, though. they took old "products" back by paying a hefty fee to them.

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Anniversary Present

Read my tos, pm me and we'll talk! if you can't afford a commission and want to support me, i have a patreon that you can pledge to, or for one-time donations, you could get me a ko-fi! zed shifted his weight.

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Bursting to the Surface

Read my tos, pm me and we'll talk! if you can't afford a commission and want to support me, i have a patreon that you can pledge to, or for one-time donations, you could get me a ko-fi!

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El Comienzo De Todo

-shh ahh, con cuidado, siento q me le atravesé a una manada de búfalos- río un poco pero al instante un ardor en mi garganta transforma la risa en tos y dolor. -con cuidado sam- -hola doctora, como esta?

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