Cafe Enigma 0: Prologue

This particular bar was typically operated by ahnissa, who is renown within the enigma for her alluring gaze and stunning beauty.

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A Little Crush, part 3

He was of typical height and size for a muskrat, dressed in typical clothes for our socioeconomic class, talked about typical things, made typical references, and had typical opinions.

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Behind The Lens Character Profiles: Pt. 1

He typically enjoys going out once a week on a night where he has no work the following morning.

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A Mind's Eyes 06

Form 1: approaching the store, i am either in a car or, more typically, on foot. growing closer to the store, i find myself glancing in through the typically sticker-covered, swinging plate glass doors.

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The Bureau: Prologue

It was a typical response when dealing with lower tier individuals. megalomania and a sense of superiority typically came with novus capabilities.

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Jon Dupree Ref Sheet

His biggest turn ons are boxer briefs, being kidnapped and tied up, bulges, and form-fitting clothes, typically jeans.

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The Night CH.1

typically finding a dance partner isn't hard, but this ball was filled with felines, and i was but a demon. the feline people were graceful dancers, and demons typically have a hard time dancing due to a general lack of dexterity.

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A Cat Among the Stool-pigeons. Interlude. (between ep5 and ep6)

"doesn't sound like a typical pi - which i presume you are from your license plate." "not typical, but yes. not a typical lawyer either. sarah, i'll work for anyone who needs my services, in either capacity or both.

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LiM Ch3: Orientation

He exclaimed before letting out a typical hyena-style laugh.

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043 - The Fool pt.03

Except instead of typical bird-like features around her face, she had a typical sapian-esque features save two big differences: her skin was all a shade of bright hot red and poking out from her snow white hair; her nose was comedicly long.

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In the furry world, shark furries are the 'lone wolf of the seas', and can often been seen employed as introverted assassins or extroverted typical sports jocks.

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Another furry dream!

Than things got kinda sexual (but not my typical, dream, bad, type of sexual)... i gave him a blow job and he moved into my house... apparently he was homeless and the only thing he owned was a pair of sunglasses and car keys...

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