Pokemon Sexual Type Characteristics Reference

Semen is abnormally thick and incredibly sticky, produced in great volumes with even weedles being recorded at roughly 500cc of sperm. more akin to a gel or jelly than typical seminal fluid.


moon stone magic part two

He had two pokemon i only had one; we both drew out our pokemon his was a bug pokemon called weedle i sent out nidoran they looked at each other.

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The Journey Chapter 5: A Friend and a Rival

The weedle there made it very tough to leave the forest without at least one of your pokémon poisoned. 'so, what are these?' he asked, pulling on one of her braids. 'hey!' she snatched it from his hand. 'watch it! these things are sensitive!'

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Next to her was the rusty mailbox, it's wooden pole was starting to rot and the whole thing went well with the overgrown grass, it's tall bushes crawling with life, obviously filled with rattatas and weedles.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - On The Way To Vermilion City

Beedrill eagerly anticipated all battles, no matter the kind, to show his trainer just how grateful he was that he had evolved all the way from a weedle.

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Family Bonds: Chapter 9

"more of the same mostly: couple rattatas, a sandshrew, a few weedles (those damn things are everywhere). but i did get something special." "ya? wut is it?" "i found a charmander out there." "yur lyin'.

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Hunter's Guild Database.

Although all of their attempts to cause severe destruction and havoc to the american populace have failed, their greatest power came from the fact that they could always mange to diplomatically weedle themselves out of major danger.

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Torch Gets Passed On

Lisa parglouse, the adopted daughter of the overnight sensation jason parglouse of the weedle sweeters corporation. she comes from the town of parzaa, the first town ever to give pokèmon equal rights. the current mayor is an alakazam.

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The Human Species Ch.109 - Problematic Oppressor Primeape

A dead, half-eaten weedle lay on the side of the road, eliciting a disgusted noise from all three of them even though they had definitively seen much worse things in the past. "so. why did they call you a fiddler?"

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An Upcoming Trainer

He wondered if he'd end up catching a caterpie since they were often found in places like this, or perhaps a weedle. they weren't very exciting pokemon, but jake still found his heart racing at the thought of catching one.

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The Bond Between Pokemon and Trainer

These consist of pidgeys, rattatas, nidoran male and female, and the bug pokemon weedle and caterpie. rarely do you see fully evolved pokemon around these parts.

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The bonds we make, the life we share - Chapter two, Together

You tripped over a tree root and bumped in to a weedle. what a rotten luck that one is.

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