Digital Warpath (violence not in yiff)

He loved eating her nectar out; it was suprisingly filling like sex soup.

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a yiff cause im bored.txt

(22:11:01) YiffBot: (Earth) enters the channel. (22:11:08) YiffBot: (Earth) leaves the channel. (22:11:16) YiffBot: (octavis) enters the channel. (22:11:24) YiffBot: (octavis) leaves the channel. (22:14:52) YiffBot: LaffinFox enters the channel....

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A Short Poem Containing Yiff

A fox and vixen stole away one night under the moon and said the dog unto the vixen: "What now shall we do?" The sky was dark, the stars were not and both of them could see that in a moment all their clothes on the ground would soon...

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Welcome to the Neighboorhood, Prelude to Yiff

"william and i started to talk about our sex lives. nothing in detail, nothing revealing, just basic things. guy talk. he told me that he wanted pups, but that ilia wasn't as sold on the idea as he was.

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 11

The coyote bit his lip, let out this muffled little yell, and dug his fingers into my brother's back, "fuck!!"

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 10

He looked down and then back up slowly, getting a good look at the red panda he hadn't seen in nearly a year, "fuck, kevin. is it really you?"

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 9

The angel of yiff chapter 9 -- every night matt stirred and sat up. his head felt like it was packed with something. cotton? maybe rocks; cotton wouldn't hurt this bad.

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 8

I came back to this empty house, night after night, lucky to even get a quick fuck out of anyone. the happiest i ever was, was when i bought sirrus..."

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 7

The angel of yiff chapter 7 -- fair's fair alex just smiled softly, looking down and blushing. when he looked back up, eight eyes were on him there in matt's living room: matt's, luke's, riddick's, and duncan's.

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 6

The angel of yiff chapter 6 -- let him sniff alex parked his car and stepped out. he had already checked the mall to see if jasyn was there.

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 5

The angel of yiff chapter 5 -- all i wanted matt looked up at the clock in the kitchen, he got off work later today than usual, not uncommon for a thursday, and he knew it would still be a while before chris got back.

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 4

He fucked up, he fucked up pretty bad, but he's doing a lot better now. he's grown up a lot already and..." he paused, stroking his muzzle, "when you need him, he's there for, isn't he?" the fox sighed and looked away, "yeah.

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