10- The Predecessor

A week had passed since the two dragons had first set out proper on their journey to White Isle. They were currently huddled together on a beach as the sun shone its first rays over the sand, casting glitters across the two sleeping dragons. ...

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Chapter 10

James was panting heavily, but he had done it. He had finally done it. With a flick of fingers, he collapsed the massive stone wall he had created into a pile of rubble and then slumped against the wall. He had just finished replicating a basic Earth...

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10 Pattern

One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. The electronic music fired up at the beginning of the show. Pyrotechnics showered the stage as the performer began the act. A steady pattern underlined the beginning of the set, with a slowly evolving...

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Filling His Rubber Paws (10/10)

In the weeks after the parasite's escape Renzyl, Chrono, and the others continued to keep vigilant to make sure that none of the creature's influence rubbed off on those that they possessed. It appeared that other than a few subtle modifications to...

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A Dream Come True, Part 10/10!

A dream come true part 10 The warm light slowly lit up the large room where the two lovers laid in each others warm embrace. The dark grey horse lay wrapped around the smaller dark red fox in his embrace, the suns warm rays alighted across the face of...

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Clown Mare 10

# [Chapter 10](https://www.fimfiction.net/story/476774/37/clown-mare/chapter-10) Near six o'clock in the morning. Rane was still asleep. * * * "How could I ever live like this?" Rane was at a cliff and tried to jump off. She tried to flap both of...

Presto - Chapter 10

_It was almost a year before I saw him again_. Fresh tears ran down the wolf's muzzle as he shifted on his rickety wooden throne - king of his castle and all the hundred-and-fifty square feet of bachelor's apartment that he surveyed. Pages and pages of...

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Rouge's Coloseum 10

The koala pours the tea out for the two sitting on the balcony at the imperial palace. Rouge confidently sits back and sips from the drink while Blaze holds the cup in both hands, watching her odd visitor. "I thank you for the audience,...

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Day 10 - Gentle

You scratched at your neck wool anxiously, looking over the lab's budget once again for errors. You'd been putting together a comprehensive finance report for Director Vinyl for hours, and the thought of making even the slightest mistake, and losing...

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Razed - Chapter 10

"_Feeling the past moving in_ _Letting a new day begin_ _Hold to the time that you know_ _You don't have to move on to let go"_ **deadmau5 & Kaskade,** ' **I Remember'** "You sure you don't wanna come out with us Saph?" "I'm sure. Honestly,...

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Limits: Chapter 10

The nightmares didn't stop. Helga had only gotten eight hours of sleep split between three days. Every night was the same. Go to bed, see herself torturing her girls beyond what their bodies could take, wake up in a cold sweat, nearly wake up Amy and...

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Chapter 10: Return

Chapter 10: Return Aside from stopping for lunch at a fast food joint and to use the restroom, Jason, Ellie, Pete, and Flora spent the entire day driving, or rather, Flora spent the entire day driving while the rest of them rode in the car. Jason...

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