Dusk's Adventure day 4

\*later lumen measures asha\* 5843 pounds and 9 feet tall~ what caused this growth spurt~? asha: me and x binged on some of his weight gain foods... again. and it seemed to override the wish i made earlier.

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Research & Development

Every jolt of bliss contributed to fueling both her growth spurt and love for it.

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Senior Project

Had he had another growth spurt since yesterday? sighing, ruddie got to his feet, being careful not to whip his cock around in the process.

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Wishing for More 3 Eventualities - Xilimyth

It had yet to flood through her and trigger a growth spurt like the previous times, but she could feel it building more and more inside as if charging up for something beyond her previous growth spurts.

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After a sudden growth spurt, her ass broke through the trunk and she fell back with a thunderous crash. "owwie!"

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Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 8

"well, to be honest, i--" "i handled you when you had that obscene growth spurt and also when you got stronger than me." venti shifted his eyes over to otis and ted, who were starting to squirm uncomfortably on the sofa.

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I Liked That Shirt...

"fuck" he huffed softly, still panting a bit to try to catch his breath as the 'hot flash' of his sudden growth spurt began to fade.

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Time for a Change – Part 17

Jenny managed to get the lock to open, but not before both she and matt went through another couple of growth spurts. her belly was now rounded and obviously filled with new life.

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Lonely at the Top

He laughed, already more entertained than he was from his accelerated growth spurts. he would have held his incredibly dense stomach if his arms weren't so musclebound.

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Milky Kimi Part 2

Kimi was ecstatic with her mammary growth spurt... "hey, look! kimi's got mountains!!" the other girls also found them amusing... "you're... leaking..." laps for gym-class left kimi soaking wet... "not cool!!!!"

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Jeremy 068; Leverage

Hitting another growth spurt?" "what?" jeremy asked looking at the fox. he had to admit his clothes were fitting a bit tighter, again.


Retractile Dysfunction

Claw locking failure is actually a reasonably common occurrence amongst hatchlings just entering the pre-fledging growth spurt," explained her mother. her paw was clutching jarzyl's, as she used her magic to probe her daughter's paw.

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