Credits Roll, Post Game (PMD: WNA #1)

He helped me join boss boomer's rescue guild while i figured out where i was and what to do and mostly, how to get back home to the human world. "hey, don't tempt fate.

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Pokemon MD: Mystic Remnants - Prologue & Chapter One

He started to float in the air then, "my name is enzlo, i am an abra from the human world." i jumped at this, axel also jumped beside me and now epa bristled as well as he screeched. "the human world! you did not mention this!" her eyes glowed.

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Sleeping Diamond -4- Maiden's Choice

Lo and behold, you your tamer and the others soon destroyed the d-reaper and saved the digital world and human world. i can say, your father is proud."

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The Fire Bar - Digimodify Part 4.5

It's rather similar to what is seen in your human world in the anime, but there are some key differences! we'll be going over these." agumon expert smacks his pointer to the chalkboard, chipping it and causing a spider of cracks.

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A Fairy Tale

The human world was going to be fun, he was certain of it.

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Skinwalker: Chapter Fifteen

The human world, though...that had held its own temptations. houses that were warm in the winter and cool in the summer. stores where you could buy food instead of scavenging for it.

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Virgin Virus - Ch15: Dust

- - "well be rendezvous in the human world." - - "what? human world?" - - "dr oscar.. you could say he is spearheading this event." - maseng finishes, the three demons absorbing the news.

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Chapter two: A New Team

Since it was night time in the human world, josh was sound asleep waiting for morning to come. for josh the past few day felt like a blur so much had happened in so little time.

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Burning Love Like a Phoenix Ch 2

Half an hour later all of us met in the senkaimon (which is the gate we use to go from the seiretei to the human world), with our destination in mind we stepped through and made our way through the dangai.

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The Digimon Savior: The Savior

"it's the force that let's me travel from the digital world back to the human world. i'm giving it up so malmamon will be able to open a portal for grandpa to go back to his world."

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Chapter 1: Damage Assesment

Almost to the silver station and from there, a gate back to the human world. \>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\> "fucking rain." kyle stared out angrily into the afternoon sky, grey as could be and pouring rain.

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Forgotten Memories and Broken Links

Though, at this current time there is no method on how to take humans from the human world into the pokemon world.

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