[Profe_Lambert] The Hunt

Just as it happened with the dire wolf, the rubber suit adopted a larger aspect as it released teryx from his prison and was sucked back into the magical artifact.

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Chapter Three: Foreshadows

The fans were considered one of the true magical artifacts of ippon. each fan held sway over an element.

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The Time of the Prophecy (Ch.3)

And what i originally thought was a flashlight ring conveniently placed in the middle of the darkest cave in existence turned out to be a magical artifact. and i, the sci-fi geek didn't see it coming. for some reason, that made me feel ashamed of myself.

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Half-Blood Chapter V

"a codex is a powerful magic artefact... nobody knows how they were created... it was said they were made by the goddess hecate herself. these artefacts contain great power. rune magic..." "what's rune magic?

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Chosen of Ashura 1- The God's Touch

Strange magic artifacts rested on display cases or tables, gleaming, pristine and unmolested by any sort of hands. near the center of the room, on a stand carved from apparently one giant garnet, rested a lone book.

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Servant of Darkness - Ch. 5: The Chase

This story follows the travels of dougal mcmannus and his guild of thieves as they seek out rare and magical artifacts.

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Servant of Darkness - Ch. 2: Caught

The kind of feeling he felt any time he was near a magical artifact of any significance. he was surprised he hadn't sensed it sooner. dougal's eyes lit up brighter than an alchemical lantern and his fingers trembled.

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Thirteen Tales (2019): Fourth Tale

Gather gold coins, gems and even magical artifacts until you have a proper dragon's hoard certain to be the envy of your fellow wyrms! well, as far as building games went, it had an interesting enough hook.

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The Coffee Minion: A Dragon News Network Story

A new magic artifact in novus ager that we'll have to pick up later." coffee minion cocked his head to the side, and the dragon chuckled. "oh, just something else that instills lust. you know how it goes.

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Timely Adventure

Kerub is a well-respected magical artifact dealer in the world of twelve. luckily for him, he has a contact that is able to get them from other places as well.

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Hypnovember - Day 27: Sex toy

He felt dumb it took him so long to recognize a magical artifact; well, his shame didn't let him focus on it at first, and now that he was free from it, it was too late to do something. the harness was enchanted.

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Become (commission for Jerrett)

No magic artifact she could claim as her own. it was pretty disappointing, really. the vixen stretched, trying to get rid of the tension that made her body numb.

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