Digital Warpath (violence not in yiff)

The great species war as everyone had known it was preceded by a vision of the past. A vision to one who would witness the changes in the world. In his dream, the elder raccoon of his tribe had recounted wisdom to him as though he were still the...

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a yiff cause im bored.txt

(22:11:01) YiffBot: (Earth) enters the channel. (22:11:08) YiffBot: (Earth) leaves the channel. (22:11:16) YiffBot: (octavis) enters the channel. (22:11:24) YiffBot: (octavis) leaves the channel. (22:14:52) YiffBot: LaffinFox enters the channel....

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A Short Poem Containing Yiff

A fox and vixen stole away one night under the moon and said the dog unto the vixen: "What now shall we do?" The sky was dark, the stars were not and both of them could see that in a moment all their clothes on the ground would soon...

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Welcome to the Neighboorhood, Prelude to Yiff

The New Neighbors Ilia had found herself washing out the inside of the sink, while in the other room her mate, William, sat silently on the chair reading the day's paper. He commented on something in it every few minutes, and was making his...

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 11

The Angel of Yiff Chapter 11 -- Guardian Angel -- Part 2 of 4 How It Began We loved each other all our lives, more than real brothers ever do, so it didn't really seem that weird when it finally happened. I mean, we weren't REALLY brothers...

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 10

The Angel of Yiff Chapter 10 -- Guardian Angel (Part 1 of 4) How To Say It Riddick came in through the door a bit later than usual for a school day, but it wasn't his first time home this January afternoon. Hanging on his shoulder was...

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 9

The Angel of Yiff Chapter 9 -- Every Night Matt stirred and sat up. His head felt like it was packed with something. Cotton? Maybe rocks; cotton wouldn't hurt this bad. He'd been trying to sleep for hours, and it obviously wasn't working out for...

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 8

The Angel of Yiff Chapter 8 -- Transparent Matt sat quietly at the dinner table, slowly munching on the pseudo-Italian chicken dinner that Chris had made, unable to keep his eyes off of the stain on Luke's muzzle. Chris, meanwhile, bit into a...

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 7

The Angel of Yiff Chapter 7 -- Fair's Fair Alex just smiled softly, looking down and blushing. When he looked back up, eight eyes were on him there in Matt's living room: Matt's, Luke's, Riddick's, and Duncan's. Defensively, the fox scooted...

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 6

Duncan pulled to an abrupt stop in front of a rather large house. It wasn't the mansion Jasyn had made it out to be, but it was big, nonetheless, "This should be it." The German shepherd hopped out of his car without bothering to lock it. With...

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 5

The Angel of Yiff Chapter 5 -- All I Wanted Matt looked up at the clock in the kitchen, he got off work later today than usual, not uncommon for a Thursday, and he knew it would STILL be a while before Chris got back. He closed his eyes and...

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The Angel of Yiff Chapter 4

Jasyn took a deep breath and stepped into the kitchen where his mother and father were going about their usual morning tasks, "...Mom...Dad?" His father looked over from the sink, "Hey Jasyn." He eyed his son curiously, "What's up?" Tanya...

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