The Girl in the Striped Stockings

I can only guess it was as much an evolutionary response to the occasional and accidental intrusion into the hole during normal mating as it was anything.

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Happy Tree Friends Oneshots ch. 4

He doesn't think normal sex with the other students would work anymore, truffles had changed him in a matter of a few hours, who can say he can't change him too? **this story's been on my mind ever since cub's chapter.

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Black Collar (M/F)

And there's no pressure, we could just have normal sex if you don't want to. but if you let me show you, i can open a whole new world of pleasure for you. what do you say?"

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The Twelve Talismans - Chapter 14 - World Tour

She was slightly chubbier than the ones gomamon normally fucked, but she wore it well. besides, she had a nice set of hooters under that thick fur lined coat she always wore.

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The Bondage Salesman

He repeated this slowly several times and then like a steam-engine he steadily sped up until he was thrusting in an out at a normal fucking speed.

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All Hallow's Eves

She wondered if she could return to her normal sex life after this, or had this life changed her? she wondered what the mare was thinking, or even who she was. just as quickly as the thought formed, she discarded it as unimportant right now.

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2593, Chapter 02

No one should have just a normal sex drive, so he brought it down a few notches only. he wouldn't be locked in one room anymore, so he'd have all the opportunities he wanted to take care of it. "i'm plenty smart."

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Chapter 1 - Her Reasons

"since you have the leviathan gene you won't be taking the normal sex ed class next year. instead, you'll be taking a different one." the mare said nothing. "now, do you have any questions for me." the anthro briefly paused. the mare remained silent.

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Oops 2

_" _that_was a side of the normally sex-averse elf doug had never seen before! had his whole arm inside her centauress pussy not been enough? what had becoming a centaur done to her? "more?" he said.

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A very frosty day...

Alduin replied," but lesson learnt.what was so wrong with normal sex anyway?" "ah, we wanted you to submit for once." silverine looked slightly red. "do i care if i top or bottom?" "not usually, but when you do you never let us."

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Yuletide Friendships

Some of the others took turns being the ones bondaged and used, while others paired up for less kinky more normal sex as well. when it was all finished, the basement was cleaned up before morrell's parents got home.

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