A lession in Biology

Airborne, for your sons exceptional grade on his animal anatomy test, i have taken him out for dinner. sorry for the inconvenience. signed, daniel sather " i looked over the note. "wow you've thought everything tough, wait animal anatomy test?

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Clown Mare 10

Do you even know pegasus anatomy?" star swirl opened her mouth with her teeth together. * * * "healing magic was my best feat in my school years. it was then i could heal bones without using anatomy. those days are still there, good and gone.

4. A Room With a View

"which, of course, brings us to the most interesting part of this anatomy lesson. behold the primary female sexual organ, colloquially called a 'pussy'."

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College Life Ch. 6

I got an eighty percent in anatomy." vergennes takes a deep breath. "i. didn't make it. i'm just three percent off! are you kidding?"

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College Life Ch. 4

Grabbing his anatomy lab textbook, anatomy lecture textbook, computer, and notebook and sliding them onto the old wooden table, the otter prepares for a long night of studying to get ready for the anatomy final on monday.

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The Peculiar Thief, Chapter One: Discovery

"it's an anatomy thing. i noticed a while back that i...well i think i might be missing something. anatomy-wise. in an...odd place." at this point she felt like she was going to scream in frustration at her own reluctance to just spit it out.

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The Orphans Amoung Us Chapter Ten: Back To Normal

**a/n: there will be a discussion of the male anatomy in this chapter.


Sisu Lays and Egg - Chapter 7

"i can't imagine it'd be much different than the anatomy of any other species." namaari reflected, still examining her new ornament. "i know, embarrassing, right?"

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The Ultra-Sexual World Chapter 1: High School

Despite the world having many anthropomorphic animals as sentient beings, anatomy was largely the same. so a lesson over anatomy and such wasn't that difficult. canines, felines, bovines, cervines, and so on.

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Rise of Red Comet, Chapter 4, The Draggo Lesson

After some random facts and images, he saw the anatomy of a naturally born dragon. his gaze was pulled the internal genitalia of both genders. he began to wonder if his grandfather and cousin had this type of genitalia.


Cyanide of Riddance chapter 18.

"nice dog anatomy, boydane." good work, gang!" boydane cheered. "now let's go find iceclaw." _now the one we needed was iceclaw, so we set off on our journey to find her,_ boydane said in his camera.

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The Dream That Turned Real - The Canine Underworld - Subchapter 3

Demonwolf's anatomy was like that of a reptile, all his junk was hidden inside of him, the same with hellhound. "you still got what you got." hellhound told mike. "nuttin' to worry about."

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