Deserved Rest

Varien Quill While the term 'vacation' how nothing but only positive implications, it has too many different versions to count. Even that word alone was enough to send endorphins up the small brains of rather simple but still somewhat...

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Children of the American Dream

"You did _what_?!" Avory squarked at the three males, agitated. "Why did you go alone? Surely you didn't think you could take him on alone without the _smallest_consideration that he could get away _again_?" "There were three of us and one of him,"...

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Q&A Panel in one hour and thirty minutes!

[]( Come and join us in the Phoenix Library!

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Preparations Pt 2

By the time everyone gathered at the Temple of Tikal, the sun had begun to set, casting the city in the glow of twilight. Avory and Lighris, having already been there for some time, spent the time talking. Lighris answered questions Avory had regarding...

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Disruptors Part 3

With the technicians securely stowed away in the parts shop, the first team had entrenched themselves in the main control room. Rikyuu, Kyle and Kieran watched the corridor, with Obsidian standing by the control room door. Korban stood behind Avory and...

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Disruptors Part 2

The Rocky Mountains of Canada weren't the longest mountain range in the world - that title belonged to the Andes mountains of South America - but they were a close contender, stretching farther than the eye could see across the continent. Snow-capped...

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Who's Mounting Who

Who's Mounting Who by Varien Quill Darkshore. The single, long coast of shadowy forests, ancient Elven ruins, despair, and a peculiar absence of sunlight. While initially, this region seems to be full of hopelessness, evil, and danger hiding...

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Not The Same

Gladberry Highlands. A vast open space where there wasn't even a single human settlement and their only contribution to it was the name alone. Although, most of the creatures living here didn't care about it, focused mostly on their survival and...

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Sneezing The Way Out

Sneezing The Way Out by Varien Quill From rags to riches. Everyone likes these types of stories, when a poor fellow somehow overcomes massive obstacles or defeats powerful enemies, just to turn their life around, whether with money and gold...

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Just The Same

While the Gladberry Highlands look rather bare with no actual buildings or villages, it doesn't mean that the intelligent creatures living here are completely primitive, with no sense of having any kind of furniture or tools. While dragons...

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Sentinels: Youth

High School is never easy for anyone, regardless of birth. At least, this is the usual argument teachers and parents tell their children, to try and help them cope with the stress. Even in her youth, Tsumé understood how false this really was; not...

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Arc 5 Chapter 3: The City of Art

"I think my brother's beak is stuck open," Lighris remarked as the group finished gawking at the sight of the city before them. Who could blame them? The city of Hadleigh was a sight to behold, built upon the single high hill of the Plains region,...

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