Collars and Callories 05

#5 of collars and calories in an effort to make a little extra money, tach volunteers to help a plump dragoness manage her weight by wearing a wondrous collar.

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Collars and Callories 04

#4 of collars and calories in an effort to make a little extra money, tach volunteers to help a plump dragoness manage her weight by wearing a wondrous collar.

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Collars and Callories 03

#3 of collars and calories in an effort to make a little extra money, tach volunteers to help a plump dragoness manage her weight by wearing a wondrous collar.

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Collars and Callories 02

#2 of collars and calories in an effort to make a little extra money, tach volunteers to help a plump dragoness manage her weight by wearing a wondrous collar.

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Collars and Callories 01

#1 of collars and calories in an effort to make a little extra money, tach volunteers to help a plump dragoness manage her weight by wearing a wondrous collar.

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The Encounter

I have to confess to well being a little more mandane a white german shepherd, and yes before you ask i do love wearing collars.

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ToLaD: Chapter 10: Goodbyes

And the collar was placed back on braedon without the black fox's knowledge. again.

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The Wrong Cruise Part 1

| | i do agree and understand that wearing a black collar shall designate me as | a tier iii guest which grants me none of the privileges granted to tier ii | guests (silver collars), or tier i guests (non-collared).

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Of huskies and dreams

In it was an old collar, of a dull brown color, the marking of time clearly visible on it. it wasn't any old collar; it was the same that was on his husky, before she passed away.

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TF story

- "it's not a belt, it's a collar, your collar." for a few seconds, a veil of silence gazed down and covered them. -what??? what does that mean, that i'm a sort of pet?

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Bad Girl

She cackled and grabbed him by the collar, dragging him over to the bed and throwing the femsuit lombax onto the bed, slowly crawling up his body and straddling his waist.

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