Dragon Storm: Chapter 32: Shayde Vs. Yun, Exceeding the Limits to Attack!
Shayde, my son, you are a genius that has the power and potential to exceed anything or anyone!" kibroy said. "if you're trying to make me feel better out of pity, please stop." shayde said while crying.
Happiness Is
Despite being unevolved, arlocke was exceedingly strong. 19-years old and already over level 70.
[Pending Title] Part 1 of ?
Their mechanical prowess and preference for it in combat far exceeded our own machinations. the beast-kind had willingly given up soulless war machines for a power that nature itself provided. what happened then?
A curious specimen
My new scribe, while slower than my own hand, is exceedingly precise and consistent. i begin to wish my hands were smaller, or my maiden's hands stronger, for such writing to come naturally to me. in sincerity, earl denton of nuxium.
825 Holds Anything With A Handle
The plain-vanilla massager will go at one end, with more exotic toys ranked progressively further along until the width of the slots on the rack is exceeded. he is afraid of this for two reasons.
A new world to explore.
Spinning on his heel, alan managed to get the impression of something very large, and exceedingly angry. the boy ran. he ran as fast as his young legs could carry him, and yet, it wasn't fast enough.
Character Profile: Lyria
She's been famed throughout history as one of its most famous royal female figures.lyria is a yellow rabbit with clean-blonde hair that is well maintained, and rarely exceeds the length of her neck.
A Difficult Birth Part two
Leaf whimpered as her body strained, she went feint for a few moments her fever playing havoc" "oh leaf" akila got exceedingly worried.\* after a moment or two leaf whimpered "i'm ok..."
Schande's Story-Chapter 2
But then something hit him, which made this exceedingly rare happy moment fade away instantly. schande: "you definitely don't wanna be openly gay here, unless you wanna be jumped every time you try to go to class..." j.j. looked horrified.
The PokeHumans: Prologue
Despite the original pokemons being able to withstand almost anything and were intelligent in their own way, the dr. always thought that they can be more, and exceed their levels by many points more. he was obsessed with the thought.
Project #1 Prologue to Apeiron
If you try to exceed it you will be scared into submission, therefore pushed out of lucidity. techniques take practice in lucid dreams. your brain is a muscle. train it and you are sure to become better.
At Dinner
Her eyes bore anger and hatred as he continued "congratulations on that by the way, you've exceeded my expectations." he met her gaze, smiling he went on "anyway, i just wanted to let you know there's no hard feelings.