Filling His Rubber Paws (7/10)

"we can repurpose the obelisks and move them out to the perimeter of the manor and create a force field that will keep the infested at bay.

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The Life of a Brood Mother Ch. 2

What i want you to do is infest this planet, starting with that town i told you about.

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Diary of Dusky Celestia

Currently i am reseaching a way to prevent future isect infestations by safely removeing mountain roofs. good thing it is spring now, we were running out of food.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 26

News of survivors was strange enough, but redding couldn't only conclude that they were infested if there were still bodies to infest. "we haven't seen any signs of infestation," continued natasha, assuming redding's conclusion.

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Larger Sample Size (1/2)

Now since the two were friends i'm sure that it's possible that he can convince him to not be infested himself."

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New Containment Protocol

But with his body pinned there was nothing he could do but let arlo and the parasite infesting him continue to push into him. "unnnng..."

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Under New Management

By morning there wouldn't be a single citizen left unaltered as the infestation spread through the town like wildfire.

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Really Rather Disproportionate - Chapter 4

The penultimate story in the wonderful kaida's own infestation of worm-snakes called the jonatus. one more story to go!

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Parasitic Duplication

While she hadn't been sure what was going on new information bubbled into her infested brain, the parasite telling her that she could use them to continue to explore and infest while they took her form.

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Filling His Rubber Paws (9/10)

As the defiant dragon remained there the force field completely shattered, allowing the infested creatures access to the manor and everyone that was hiding inside.

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Eleven

"we can just burn out the infestation from orbit." "thanks jun," yukiomaru said, smiling up at the taller marten briefly. "but i'm the only one that can kill euno." "nishant gerbo can," remarked jun.

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