The Prostitute of Livestone

She sipped her martini again. "but yeah, that's just one of many bad children related experiences in theatres. which is why i try to catch shows here whenever possible."

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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

I'm having a martini." "a martini?" "well i'm not gonna start drinking vodka right away," the tiger replied, "or that infernal stuff we had for new year's..."

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Insatiable in Appetite

No one seemed to notice the missing martini man. ela smiled and walked away from them, off to find another group or some solitairy person that no one was noticing. a waiter walked by. "caviar? cigarettes? champagne, madame?"

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Pride Underground

Drayden said, a martini in one of his paws. he was wearing nothing but a beach shirt and a speedo of his own, but that alone wasn't what drove zander to him. the deer didn't respond, lost staring at drayden.

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Skunk's Revenge [Ebook Teaser]

The squirrel snorts, before pulling out a clean martini glass. "coming right up boss, think we should make it a cherry one for him too?" trevor rolls his eyes at tina's quip. "no, i'm sure the guy's got enough cherry in him already."

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Playing the Game

She ordered what looked like a martini and sipped at it lazily, her other paw absently tapping out the band's beat on the bar.

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A First Tint of Mauve

The cat glanced to the martini on the bar. she'd never had one but had heard horror stories. still she wanted to match her host's tastes. "gin and tonic?" she thought that was a thing people drank with that particular spirit.

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The Short Attention Span Porn Story Contest Winners

Second place: "they enjoyed martinis and fucked." third place: "after meeting at the bar and drinking, they fucked." **character development, gay male themed** first place: "alan fucked joe." second place: "usually the bottom, joe fucked alan."

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When Howard Met Nova

Howard sat in the lunar sans cocktail lounge waiting on his dirty martini. it was an over priced joint, with over priced liquor and filled to the gills with over stuffed bureaucrats.

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Teaser: Gerbil 07

"you don't drink martinis - you nearly drowned last time. also, for your information, you're a girl." "but my name's james!" "do you have any idea how hard it is to sex a two-day-old gerbil?" "i'm gerbil-o-seven!"

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Gaining Perspective

So, over the course of a few martinis, followed by a beer or two, james told adam about what'd been going on between him and mark.

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Night Club Fun

The roo took a sip from his martini as everyone continued to come in. a wolf comes walking up to the bar and orders a drink. his fur almost a golden color. the roo watches as the bartender hands the male a drink.

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